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Making it in the music biz - Dick Dale tells it

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Brilliant interview - short, but highly practical. It's told by Dick Dale, the legendary guitarist who basically invented the genre of surf music. Considering even on this very site we have a surf ReMix, his influence is pretty broad, and he speaks from experience. Note: It is a little exaggerated at times but the message is good.


Edit: If you want to see what he was like as a young rock star, check this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mmajn6N2Wc&

You might recognize the tune. :)

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Great advice, as the current system is FUBAR.

I work at Clear Channel as a designer (for the time being) in the main office, so though I don't take part in the meetings of higher ups (ya rite lol), I can see the churn of the massive sales force for even just the local radio stations, and from people i've talked to, all of the hundreds of stations are facing the same thing. The record company/media giant partnership is crumbling under their feet, and while some markets are treading water, hundreds are unprofitable because people are finding their music elsewhere and the ad dollars are slowing to a trickle.

The system is changing fast, and right now is an awesome time to be an independent artist if you have the skill and mostly the motivation.

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