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Question on configuring macs as servers


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Is it possible to configure four macs in such a way so that they act as one server?

I have been searching for an answer to this question for about 3 hours on google but so far my search have not yielded any productive results.

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There really isn't any good server software for Macs, if any. Using the Mac OS, I don't think Apple really wanted to give you the option of doing so without any outside program. I haven't heard of it being done before. But it's always possible.

My suggestion, if you have a Mac that has an Intel chip in it, then dual boot using Windows Server 2003 OS.

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Since you seem to be looking to make a cluster, there are a number of Linux distro's that will allow you to do this. However I am not sure which of them will run on PPC arch (I assume PPC since who would use 4 new macs for a cluster).

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