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ReMixer name: Mercurius FM

real name: Bo E.

email address: mercuriusfm@housemusic.com

website: http://myspace.com/mercuriusmusic

forum userid: 20378

Name of game(s) ReMixed: Mega Man

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Dr Wily's Stage 1

Comments: Well, I got the Mega Man Anniversary Collection a while ago and recently I've been playing the oldies in it. I was playing through the Wily stage where you have to fight the Glob man at the end. So after playing the level probably a hundred times, I said, "This track has a killer hook" With my listening background including Daft Punk, LifeLike, Kris Menace, Giorgio Moroder, Eric Prydz and more (if you don't know these names, you should), I went on to make this remix. Since in the game it was just a looper I was able to have great freedom with it, but I think I remade it in a very dramatic way. Hope you guys like it!

Link to mp3:

  • 4 weeks later...

that really high pitched...sound plays a lot of bad notes. in fact, pretty much half the notes it plays are off. The whole track sounds like its way back. need to bring up the melody and fill out the soundfield with some pads or something. aside from that, the arrangement is repetitive and doesnt really do anything terribly creative.



http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman1.zip - Track 12

Track opens up with a REALLY lo-fi feel, and indeed the high pitched sound plays a shitload of bad notes. It's actually so far in the back though that it really doesn't stand out too bad. Some sections, it's clearly more exposed though (e.g. :59-1:13, 2:57-3:11).

Definitely agreed with Vigilante that you need to push up the volume of the melody a bit relative to the rest of the sounds in play.

The only meaningful variation I'm hearing is additive and subtractive stuff with the backing tracks, and nothing with the melodic content. 3:12 does a little something different with the source, but it's mainly a slowing down of the tempo until 3:41, not anything interpretive. Thus, we're left with something that's ultimately underdeveloped and repetitive. Absolutely crappy "I give up" ending at 4:40. At least write a real ending.

The source tune indeed does have a good hook, and you acknowledge that the source makes for a good loop. But why isn't the arrangement developed further, with more substantial melodic variation over the long haul?




the bass and that synth in the high register are slowly driving me mad. those two are really clashing bro, giving the track a constant feeling of dissonance. in the context of house music it sounds really awful and amateurish.

also, no arrangement to speak of. sorry to be glib, but this isn't gonna cut it.


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