djpretzel Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 Hiya there I have a new remix from one of the tetris tracks from the nes version, it's trance-like.. I hope you like it and post it... send me any feedback to you can get the song by downloading it from the following ftp: The name is Do you Like tetris?.mp3 Hope you like it Thank you for your time =] Dj Fie|DY
Malcos Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 Off-key notes in it. CUT. NO. You cannot comprehend how painful off-key notes are to me. Nothing can excuse it. I'll let someone else document every off-key bit, there are too many for me to be bothered to list. No sense of pitch AT ALL.
orkybash Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 It starts off sounding really cool. Then around 2:30 everything falls apart into a mass of off-keyness. And then there's a bad voice sample. Then everything sounds cool again, and then there's off-key strings. Then it ends. There's a lot of great stuff here, but there's also a lot of distracting off key notes. So I guess I'm with malcos. Fix the notes and you're OK, but until then, NO.
Saunders Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 Well, no, I don't like Tetris, not much anyway, hopefully I'll like this mix. Okay, this is sounding.. okay. Although the clap sounds too... loud? No, it's not loud.. it's like.. very unrealistic and strange sounding, sharp. The samples and stuff used in this mix are kinda gross at times. Not much variation in the mix, seems to be the same thing more or less over and over. The last 10 seconds are the best part. Vote: No
Disco Dan Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 er... yeah there are a lot of mixes to review... neat. Ok up until it got into the part that I recognized, I really liked it. There's still something intrinsically neat about it. Antonio Pizza will most likely like this one. Why? Because he won't be able to hear that 60+% of the notes are out of tune. I can probably guess what happened. Remixer picks a sample, and uses it, but doesn't realize that it will detune itself when moved up or down on the scale. However, at around 2:30 there's something nasty there that is just way off and it has nothing to do with the sample used. Anyway, it's too off for my sense of tonality. And this ain't no Schoenberg we're dealing with, so this is most likely unintentional. Yeah, it's painful, but not as much as it would have been, say, a year ago, when I hadn't gotten as used to hearing the results of poor planning. Also, in case the remixer didn't say so, this was done in Fruityloops. The opening sound. It comes with the program. Nothing wrong with it, just thought I'd mention. Anyway, a good idea, just needs some tuning. So for now, NO. DC
Malcos Posted August 8, 2002 Posted August 8, 2002 Antonio Pizza will most likely like this one. Why? Because he won't be able to hear that 60+% of the notes are out of tune. Aww come on mate. We're all Judge-tacular here.
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