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The album even disapointed me

I mean you put on a song like crawling and...you just laugh your ass off, it's like a musical joke that you and friends enjoy. But this? This isn't even funny bad, with some good instrumentation, this is just BAD music


Shadowolf, if you enjoy the CD, that's all that matters.


If your music is well known enough there will inevitably be people who do not like it. Every band and album that I consider a favorite has it's fair share of people who hate it (most of the posters on this forum probably wouldn't like it), with reasons ranging from pefrectly rational and valid to completely idiotic; but I love 'em none the less. Just enjoy it.


It took me awhile to adjust to the sound of the new album. Seriously, it's VERY different from the usual LP I know of.

On one hand, excellent experimentation from their part. They seriously managed to pull off a couple of original stuff so that people will not call this album a "Hybrid Theory 2.0" or something. Love the fact that there are guitar solos now. Love Shinoda's extra contributions to the background vocals...especially the fact that he his own singing track "In Between"...I was taken aback by that one even though I know that Shinoda has a nice singing voice (he sang John Davis' part in the remix of "Pushing Me Away" in the Live in Texas album). Love the ambiance and classic rock influences in some of their tracks. The minimal hip-hop samples uses in some of the tracks manage to mesh well overall, too. Of course, Chester's voice is AWESOME. His vocal range is excellent as usual, and I think this is the first album in which Chester sings in an emotional almost-in-tears way (The first verses of "The Little Things Give You Away"). Personally, my highlights are "The Little Things Give You Away", "Hands Held High", "Shadow of the Day", "What I've Done"). Little Things and Shadow in particular are two tracks which really show the sound of their album.

On the other hand, LP's hip-hop/metal hybrid tracks are officially gone in this album. That was THEIR sound. Now what's left of it is present in "Bleed it Out" (Rap and Hip-hop-like with the clapping samples and melody), although "No More Sorrow" has some pretty edgy metal riffs...could've used some rap vocals in that. It sucks that Shinoda doesn't rap except in two tracks and the hip-hop samples aren't present in all tracks...I'm especially in LOVE with "Hands Held High" and it's sad that this particular sound is gone now. I was also disappointed by the fact that there are some crummy tracks in the album...I loved every track of Meteora yet unfortunately there are some "Emo-ish" tracks in Minutes to Midnight which I couldn't get into at all..."Valentine's Day" in particular is just too emo. Their instrumental track, "Wake", quite frankly SUCKS and pales in comparison to the one they did for Meteora and one of the Underground Albums (Announcement Public Service).

In short, LP's new album gives a very bad first impression yet some tracks in particular grow on you as you listen to them more. I feel that this is a love-it/hate-it album depending on who you ask.

Now what we need is another Reanimation. I fuckin love that CD!

Considering that the original Reanimation was actually a bunch of songs that fans remixed and Shinoda got a hold of, then I say you should remix some of them, SGX. Your work is amazing and if they wanted to make a Reanimation that had a more electronic sound to it, then you could probably make a pretty sick track =P.

Anyways, several listens later, I am still not convinced. The songs just don't get me at all. ProjektZero raises a good point though; at least they can step outside of their boundaries and experiment. Now that they have had this experience then maybe their next album will be something different but still amazing. I, personally, didn't think there was really any track on this album that was extremely unique or immediately caught my attention. I still have hope for them because HT, Reanimation, and Meteora were so good. I just hope their next effort blows me away.

Considering that the original Reanimation was actually a bunch of songs that fans remixed and Shinoda got a hold of, then I say you should remix some of them, SGX. Your work is amazing and if they wanted to make a Reanimation that had a more electronic sound to it, then you could probably make a pretty sick track =P

Its possible. After I finish my abum this Fall, I'm planning on taking a break from solo work and doin some random stuff like remixes of 'popular' artists' tracks, maybe a couple game remixes n whatnot. So if I can get some stemps of these tracks, I might be into that. We shall see.

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