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FFIII FINALLY got released in Australia this month, and its not that bad a game. But because its only just come out, not many people have it over here just yet ;) Which makes the mognet feature mostly useless to me. Anyone have the same problem? It'd be nice if I could use mognet, and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there (even though FFIII has been out in the States for a fair while longer). Anyone want to help me out :)


Unfortunatly I only know of the Mognet in FFIX (I love that game).

I have missed getting various letters in that game anyways... dont think I ever really compleated the quest... hmm...

But ya! Sorry! :(

Unfortunatly I only know of the Mognet in FFIX (I love that game).

I have missed getting various letters in that game anyways... dont think I ever really compleated the quest... hmm...

But ya! Sorry! :(

Yeah, I can see why. They seem to have done something similar in FFIII, only it has wireless capabilities as well. Downside to that is finding someone who has the game as well (that, AND access to a wireless network). Wireless is still relatively rare over here: only myself and one of friends has a wireless network.

...Which makes the mognet feature mostly useless to me. Anyone have the same problem?...

Yeah... It will pretty much stay useless, save for unlocing a few sidequests. Converse with NPCs more than humans.

Yeah... It will pretty much stay useless, save for unlocing a few sidequests. Converse with NPCs more than humans.

So there's no difference betwenn the two? i.e. still unlocks stuff etc

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