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My name is Strike. I'm a newbie to the mixing world. I really had a lot of

fun mixing this one (my first mix!) and I hope you enjoy it. It is from

Perfect Dark on the old N64. The original song was from the ending credits.

I thought it was a cool song, so I thought I would try to make it a little

cooler. This is my first mix, and I'll admit, I'm probably not the best

newbie out there, but I don't think I'm too bad. Hopefully I will improve a

lot. I plan on sending you many remixes. Heh. Soon you'll be like, oh no,

its this guy again. Haha. I'm going to improve though, I'm really into this

type of stuff. I filled in all the ID3 tags ( I think ) and the file size is

about 2.6 MB. Thanks for the great site. Been a fan for a long time!

Here's the URL to my remix named "Deploy".

Thanks again!

~Strike (extreme74@hotmail.com)


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Reminiscent of the Batman Beyond movie soundtrack, the guitar samples

trigger in a nostalgic MOD style. But something about it just seems a little

messy. Hmm. I guess it's not bad though. I'm sure some people will enjoy




I can't believe he said "the old n64." A sign that technology is developing too fast, I think...

And as for malcos's statement about the dodgy guitar... you all just went along with him without noticing that YOU WERE SPEAKING BRITISH! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ok, but seriously, that guitar is so obviously sampled and pitch tuned. My question for judging this mix, since it came from the n64 (OH SO LONG AGO), is whether or not this somehow needed to be done. Like, whether or not this song makes us want to go back and listen to the original because the original is far superior. I've never heard any PD music, so I don't know what to listen for here. I think the beat sounds funky. And the fast synth definitely keeps the music moving. The voice sample is meh, and the moving guitar has seen better days... or not... but anyway, I don't really know what to give this one. Actually, yes I do. My gut says no, and that's what I'm going to go with. Between quality, repetition, and the overall feel of it, I'm not at all satisfied with this remix. The only thing going for it is the beat, in my mind, so I says:



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