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So I'm finishing up a mix for the Radical Dreamers Project and I'm doing the track called "Final Confrontation." I'm in the part of the musical process that requires me to create a title for my track, and I need some help.

I have never played the game, but I need to know what's happening on screen when the music is played. Who is the main boss, the main characters, what's happening, etc.

Any info that you guys can give me would be great.


Original Tune:



It's been a while since I played, but I think that's the tune that gets played when the party faces Lynx over the frozen flame. Spoiler. In the confrontation, it's revealed that the lead character, Kid, is actually Schala from Chrono Cross, and Gil is revealed as Magus. It's also revealed that Viper Manor is built upon the ruins of the ancient kingdom of zeal.

It's either the song played there, or the song played in the ending involving the Giant Mecha, my memories a bit hazy on that.

It's been a while since I played, but I think that's the tune that gets played when the party faces Lynx over the frozen flame.

Bingo. That's in the caverns underneath the mansion too if that helps.


See screenshots:


enemy-08.jpg <-- That's supposed to be Lynx. It's a full screenshot, but very small and dark.

I may be able to get some more later...

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