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I looked it up and PT is damn weird. I can't figure out what all the different verisons are for and why they are so picky with midi controllers, OS's and soundcards. It look really nice though, and for 250USD (m-powered) it's kinda tempting to get.

When I was doing the research for my home studio set up about a year ago, I came into the same problem. PT is very confusing, and they really don't tell you what the differences are. So let me break it down for ya:

Simply put, the version of PT that you use is determined by what kind of outboard hardware you use. For instance:

The TDM and HD systems are the big studio systems. The TDM consists of the really complex didgital mixers. Very expensive. The HD systems use the hardware that will convert a regular analog mix into a mixer that PT can read. Again, very expensive, but the HD system is the most popular in studios that I've found. Base price for an HD system is about $10k. I won't go into detail about what they do, but you can find that info pretty easily.

The LE and M-Powered systems are designed more for the traveling engineer and hobbyist musician. The LE systems run on the Mbox, DigiRack 001 (and 002 I believe), and a couple others. The M-Powered runs on certain M-Audio pieces of hardware (there are a lot, so I'll let you look them up :)). You mentioned being tempted by the M-Powered version. Beware (as I'm sure you know) you have to a have an M-Audio product that is supported by M-Powered. I use the M-Audio ProjectMix I/O.

Hope that helps :).


The LE and M-Powered systems are designed more for the traveling engineer and hobbyist musician. The LE systems run on the Mbox, DigiRack 001 (and 002 I believe), and a couple others. The M-Powered runs on certain M-Audio pieces of hardware (there are a lot, so I'll let you look them up :)). You mentioned being tempted by the M-Powered version. Beware (as I'm sure you know) you have to a have an M-Audio product that is supported by M-Powered. I use the M-Audio ProjectMix I/O.

The LE systems also has a wide variety of systems. We are now up to the digi003 (001 and 002 before that) on both rack and non-rack versions. Mbox 2 comes as Mbox 2, Mbox 2 mini and Mbox 2 Pro. I have an Mbox 2 Pro myself.

M-Audio ProjectMix is probably the best choice for homestudio if you're not that picky about M-Audio. I don't really like M-audio that much and I find that Digidesigns own soundcards and system suits me better and sounds better. But for anyone not as dimwitted as me, ProjectMix is a great addition to any set-up. Remember it can be used as I/O for anything. Ableton Live jumps into my mind. And it has FADERS AND KNOBS! :D

Tweek. I'd like to hear about how you use Reason, Live and PT for your projects since I haven't really started using that setup yet. Also, we should collab sometime. Just for funz :)


Ah, thanks Tweek, that does help a bit. I hope you don't mind answering a few more questions though, I've sent you a PM just so that this thread doesn't get too far off topic and turn into a discussion on Pro Tools rather than R4.

Tweek. I'd like to hear about how you use Reason, Live and PT for your projects since I haven't really started using that setup yet. Also, we should collab sometime. Just for funz :)

When it comes to music, my main tool is Reason. However, I focus a lot of time on Foley/Sound Effects. All sound effects project are done in either Live (majority of the time) or Pro Tools. Whne I'm composing the music, it will be in Reason, but as a slave to the host, so I can see the video playing while I'm composing.

A couple of examples:

Foley Effects only done is Live:


Foley and Music done in Live and Reason:


Also, any stutter effects that I use are created in Live (TEEM.ROKIT mix and REAKTR.1 mix).

Totally up for a collab at some point. Don't be surprised if you hear from me soon ;).


Foley and Music done in Live and Reason:


Also, any stutter effects that I use are created in Live (TEEM.ROKIT mix and REAKTR.1 mix).

Totally up for a collab at some point. Don't be surprised if you hear from me soon ;).

Very interesting to see what you are up too :) nice demo reel, especially the one with music.

I also find Live to be killer for automation and fxs, that's why I'm coupling Reason with it. PT is great for audio, but I can't start it atm lol.

I'm always up for collab man, even though I may not have a whole lot of time on my hands just now. Still, getting started early is the key to success :) I'll warn you though, I only have Live 5.2 atm. It's not entirely legal but I just haven't had time to upgrade live lite. I'll probably get Live 6 in a matter of weeks.

Thanks for the info :)


I'm going to have to download some demos now! Too bad PT (and Cubase, 'cause I was hoping to check that one out as well) don't have any demo downloads. Good thing is that there is one for Live though, so I'll check it out.

EDIT: wow... Live suuuure has one intuitive GUI... o.o (psst, I don't understand a single thing I'm seeing, this is gonna take a while -_-)

I'm going to have to download some demos now! Too bad PT (and Cubase, 'cause I was hoping to check that one out as well) don't have any demo downloads. Good thing is that there is one for Live though, so I'll check it out.

EDIT: wow... Live suuuure has one intuitive GUI... o.o (psst, I don't understand a single thing I'm seeing, this is gonna take a while -_-)

Live has one of the best GUI's I've seen :D It's a matter of trying


Actually, watching some of the video tutorials, Live is a complete BEAST with it's layout. Though I stand by my original statement, it's still very unituitive. It seems to me like it'd have a longer and steeper learning curve than most programs, but once you finally get the hang of it then it works much more smoothly. Heh, Ableton threw out intuitivity for efficiency and design, that's pretty gutsy... but thankfully they at least added that little helper in the bottom left-hand corner, that's probably the only reason I haven't trashed the demo yet ;P

Actually, watching some of the video tutorials, Live is a complete BEAST with it's layout. Though I stand by my original statement, it's still very unituitive. It seems to me like it'd have a longer and steeper learning curve than most programs, but once you finally get the hang of it then it works much more smoothly. Heh, Ableton threw out intuitivity for efficiency and design, that's pretty gutsy... but thankfully they at least added that little helper in the bottom left-hand corner, that's probably the only reason I haven't trashed the demo yet ;P

Heh, you never tried to learn Logic then XD


Even though I'm a computer person (and always have been, as long as I can rememeber) it's very difficult for me to learn complex programs. If there's too much presented to me at once I will get frustrated and unable to focus. Most complex programs share common themes (layering, reusability, etc), but it's very hard to reconcile them into the intricacies of each program. Reason may be the exception (we'll see when 4 comes out), but I don't really think I'll be able to remix until I can sit down with someone at length about it. Hopefully that can happen @ MAGFest.

Even though I'm a computer person (and always have been, as long as I can rememeber) it's very difficult for me to learn complex programs. If there's too much presented to me at once I will get frustrated and unable to focus. Most complex programs share common themes (layering, reusability, etc), but it's very hard to reconcile them into the intricacies of each program. Reason may be the exception (we'll see when 4 comes out), but I don't really think I'll be able to remix until I can sit down with someone at length about it. Hopefully that can happen @ MAGFest.

I'm bringing my macbook and reason, you are more than welcome to sit down with me and check it out ;) I bet avaris is totally up for it too


Looking forward to it. I've been looking into it long enough that I understand the base concepts (write in your notes in the piano roll and assign a sound to play them), but it's the more complex stuff which makes it sound good that currently eludes me.

A couple of examples:

Foley Effects only done is Live:


Foley and Music done in Live and Reason:


Are you telling us you did the effect for Treasure Planet? And that you made those graphics for your advertisement?

Are you telling us you did the effect for Treasure Planet? And that you made those graphics for your advertisement?

Treasure Planet was a project for a class.

No, I'm not an animator. That was a demo reel done by someone, but wanted sound behind it. As it says here on the site, my name is not Sam Griffiths...:)


AHH! Reason saved my remix in a non-existant folder! Now I have to do that all over again ;_;

EDIT: Oops, nevermind, it just saved it somewhere I'd never look, but I found it anyway, so disregard the above.


Alright, I have a question about upgrading Reason. I have R3, and I'm hoping to get the R4 upgrade. How does that work? Is the R4 upgrade like a big patch that heavily modifies R3 into R4, or is it like the full R4 but you run it with a R3 license number to prove you've bought the previous version? Or is it like neither? O.o

Alright, I have a question about upgrading Reason. I have R3, and I'm hoping to get the R4 upgrade. How does that work? Is the R4 upgrade like a big patch that heavily modifies R3 into R4, or is it like the full R4 but you run it with a R3 license number to prove you've bought the previous version? Or is it like neither? O.o

It's a new program. It's very much alike but some engine changes makes it a purely new installation. If you buy the upgrade you need to have the serial number (I hope you actually bought R3 :P). That's how I understood it anyway. ;)


Oh good, if I understand what you said correctly, that means I should first uninstall R3 from my computer before I install R4, right? Then I'll just input my R3 (and new R4?) license number(s). That works out just fine.

And no, I didn't buy R3, because I have no money. I asked for it as a christmas present two years ago from my parents, they bought it :D

Oh good, if I understand what you said correctly, that means I should first uninstall R3 from my computer before I install R4, right? Then I'll just input my R3 (and new R4?) license number(s). That works out just fine.

And no, I didn't buy R3, because I have no money. I asked for it as a christmas present two years ago from my parents, they bought it :D

I don't know about uninstalling, maybe the installer will handle that. But if you own a true copy of reason 3 with your own working serial, just buy the Reason 4 upgrade and it will tell you what to do ;)

also, cool parents. Mine did the same last christmas.

I don't know about uninstalling, maybe the installer will handle that. But if you own a true copy of reason 3 with your own working serial, just buy the Reason 4 upgrade and it will tell you what to do ;)

also, cool parents. Mine did the same last christmas.

lol, my parents are uncool. damn.

Oh good, if I understand what you said correctly, that means I should first uninstall R3 from my computer before I install R4, right? Then I'll just input my R3 (and new R4?) license number(s). That works out just fine.

And no, I didn't buy R3, because I have no money. I asked for it as a christmas present two years ago from my parents, they bought it :D

If you've registered your copy of Reason 3 on the website, then it will all go smoothly.

You will get a card inside the upgrade box (which is just like a full version but with 'upgrade' on the box instead) which will tell you to log in and enter the details on the card.

The system will then check you are a registered user etc, and then you will be emailed a full R4 license number.


Hehe so much fun! :-P

I don't know about the other beta testers but IMO in the beta I thought the sound quality was better...please no flame wars. So out of curiosity I did a phase inversion test with song a song ripped to 44hz 24bit in 3.0 and 44hz 24bit in 4.0. The phase inversion test failed! I did the revese polarity in FL. They said they rewrote the progam. Def try some phase inversion tests when you get a chance def want some more proof on this.

Oh yeah there is C64 commando remix as one of the DEMO songs by Rob Hubbard! Woot. :nicework:

I have just been listening to the demo songs so far...and they all awesome. The sound quality is awesome and the songs are actually wicked catchy.

There are two Orkester DEMO songs too. All the use is NN-XT patches and 2 reverbs set as sends. Def take a listen to that when you dudes get the upgrade.

Opened up some old R3 songs and CPU usage was the same.

Even though I Beta tested it I never had the chance to really work with it bc I was doing songs on R3. The regroove kicks some serious arse. It's even better than Peff's trick with using DR Rex loops to control volume automation. Both of them used in combination yields some awesome results.

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