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You should ask Overcoat about it. I know he was working on a Plok mix. You've probably already downloaded Mazedude's title jam, but just pointing out that it is on the site.

Also, Tomapella did an acapella remix of some of its music too. http://olremix.org/remixes/305

Edit: found another one from last month's DoD. http://dod.vgmix.com/past/may07/ZZalt-Cacomistle-Plok-Flamethrower-FIRE-DoD.mp3


That was my first attempt at doing an a cappella remix and I admit it sucks. Funny to look back on, though. I've actually always wanted to go back and mix another track from it (maybe Akrillic) but I never really had any ideas that would work for it. The songs already feel complete, y'know?

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