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This is just your friendly neighborhood remix reminder.

Please consider my Terranigma remix. It's Crysta. I've already submitted

this once, but you say in the faq that you need a reminder sometimes. Please

feel free to say why the song wasn't accepted in the judges msg board. I'd

appreciate some feedback from ANYONE.

Thanks in advance,



Man... this starts out with so much potential, but it never really goes anywhere with it. If I were doing this, I would keep the first time around exactly how it is, with the piano doing its thing and some softer instruments soing stuff over it. The second time around, though, I'd have those other instruments become louder and take center stage, then bring the piano to the foreground for the end. That's just me, though. Oh, and I think this song could relly benefit from some well-placed bass. Not some thumping, overpowering synthy thing, but just something to flesh out the sonic spectrum.

It sounds OK right now, but this is one of those instances where I think it could really easily improve. So no for now, but I'd encourage the artist to revisit the song and re-submmit since this has a lot of potential.


Mmm, as Orkybash as already mentioned, this mix never really goes anywhere. It's something fantastic to listen to, though, when you're down in the dumps, and just want something smooth to listen to. Regarding the title, it's not very energetic in the dancing sense - Though, it is something can could be romantically danced to. I can just see a group of couples romantically dancing to it. What really bothers me, though, is the lack of a bassline. Maybe some beautiful pizzicato strings could do the job.

It's truely a tough decision, but NO. This mix leaves something to be desired, as mentioned before.


Hmm, I've heard this before, didn't care for it.. hopefully that was an old version. *continues to listen*

Well, the first thing I notice is the drums don't seem to fit in (they had trouble socializing in school, har har *slaps knee*), and like Tom said, this isn't exactly a dance mix in the way I was expecting, but I could in fact see this as a slow dance at a party or something.

The unfortunate thing is that it just drones on and on, nothing special happens in it. It seems like it would be well suited for ambience or something, I dunno.

Gonna have to go with my gut on this one though and vote no.

Vote: No

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