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Harddisk OGG

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Hey everyone, I've been trying to find a way to record what I hear coming out of my computer direct-feed, but have had not luck for the past while, I eventually stumbled across this: http://www.fridgesoft.de/harddiskogg.php

It looks like it can do what I want, but after downloading it and toying around, I can't get any sound out of the files I record, If I mess with the settings like crazy I can get a slight touch of the song if I turn my speakers to full, but it's still really faint. Anyone know how to get this hooked up right? Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.

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sometimes you can do this in audacity (or even sound recorder) without any special program, depending on what options you have in your recording controls (doubleclick the volume control icon in the taskbar and then options->properties->recording).

otherwise I usually see Total Recorder as the recommended software for capturing wave out.

as for your program, if i had to put my money on it I'd say those normalization controls might be whats throwing stuff off. actually, since you say it's really faint, then maybe it's just your recording volume is set way too low. Looks like over on the right hand side of the window there's a volume control--try cranking that thing up.

try recording to wav first so you dont have to worry about the ogg format being a problem (though it shouldn't be)

edit: oh, so that big tall thing on the right is a meter, not a volume control. but it looks like that button right underneath it points you to some kind of mixer which lets you select recording sources and adjust recording volumes. try that first (it might actually point you to the same thing as options->properties->recording in windows).

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I found options>properties>, but the only thing to do with recording is a check box, when I check it, I can't see a way to start recording.

sorry, maybe i should have been a bit more clear.

You go to options>properties, click the recording box, then select OK. Then you get a "Recording Control" mixer window, which lets you select a recording source (check the one you want to use) and adjust the volume levels.

That doesn't give you any recording capability on its own--that's where your own program comes in, whether it be sound recorder, audacity, total recorder, or harddiskogg.

What I'm saying is that the problem might be in the Recording Control--either you have the wrong source selected, or your volume is set way too low, or something.

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