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New electronic music review column @ my MySpace


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Since I listen to so much electronic music, and I write a lot of reviews (both here and at Garageband) I figured I'd put the two together and start a regular "column" of sorts on my MySpace page. I'll be covering album and song releases by artists on all levels; be they unsigned and net-only, or major figures in the electronic music scene. Though I will be primarily writing about new releases (such as the upcoming Chem Bros album) I will also tackle stuff that has come out within the last year or two, particularly if it's music that I feel strongly about. After all, some singles and albums just go under the radar for some reason, when they really deserve more attention.

Once again, the column is at my MySpace blog - http://www.myspace.com/zirconst. Feel free to friend me while you're reading. :)

If you'd like, you can email me with suggestions of music you'd like to see reviewed. Include as much info as possible (artist MySpace/webpage, where to buy, what label they're on, etc) and email to admin (at) zirconstudios (dot) com. You can submit your own music too. I can't guarantee when and if I'll be able to write about any particular item, but I'll do my best.


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