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It was declined due to clipping and distortion. I believe I have solved those problems with the help from some lovely folks in the forums. Also I changed the name. It was originally Ortus Deus, and is now God's Birth.

Remixer name: Kain Vinosec

Real name: Robert Smith (please do not use)

Email: kainvinosec@aol.com

Website: www.embracingfate.com

User ID: 21094 (I think. This is the only number I could find after I signed up. The name is kainvinosec though if that's the wrong number.)

Remix Info

Song's name - God's Birth

Game(s) - Final Fantasy VII

Song(s) - Birth Of A God, One Winged Angel

Genre - Instrumental metal (E.g. The Black Mages, Dream Theater, etc. etc...)

Comments: This is my first Uematsu cover that I actually spent any relevant time on. It was a request from a friend of mine (just to do Birth Of A God) and he seemed satisfied with the overall result of the song. I use midi sequencing to do the drums and then change the color using soundfonts. The rest of the instruments are all recorded live. This is the first song I've released since changing my overall sound after releasing my first original, full-length album; The Nightmare Battles (which is free to download on my website). Many, many thanks to Tensei-San, Nutritious, and everyone else that helped me with mastering techniques in the forums here.


To some, these sources are burned into the brain. Not I! Besides, a refresher is always good, even when you've heard a song a billion times. These are long-as-hell sources anyway, so there's lots of material to pluck from.

http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 416 "One-Winged Angel" & 415 "The Birth of God"

Opens up with some OWA on ze pianer. Started rather abruptly. The compression or whatever was wrong with it was toned WAY down from the previous submission I heard, but this still sounds pretty bad from a production standpoint. Everything sounds like a cluttery mess. I not sure how this was achieved, but I'd appreciate another J giving their educated guess.

On the arrangement side, things sounds decent, but the drums are lazy, and the textures aren't very complex. Right now, the volume and distortion is what's filling the track out, not the instrumentation itself. It's rather difficult to make specific suggestions on the arrangement, when it's impossible to pick things out. The crossfade into the piano at 3:57 for the ending was a decent idea in thought, but poorly executed.

You need someone to look at the individual tracks and really clean this up. You got some decent production advice from our forums, but this needed an overhaul, not a touchup.


  • 4 weeks later...

The intro piano is really mechanical, almost silly, and the transition is crazy jarring. The spectrum is bottom-heavy, esp. in the mudrange. The dynamics are flat and the sound is lifeless because the guitar doesn't bite, and the bass is too boomy, especially for a metal track. It may be the encoding, but the drums in general sound really grainy and dull. By the end my ears are kind of tired.


  • 2 months later...

lofi drums, muddy mixing, spastic intro.

obviously there's some musicianship here. the presentation is just really sloppy.

I literally can't distinguish anything in the busy sections. the lead, rhythm, organ, and bass are all mushed together into a indiscernible mess.

that's the biggest problem, along with really cheesy cymbal samples.

larry's right in that this probably needs an overhaul. the piano bookend idea is a nice concept, but in practice it doesn't work well.

Keep at it, you've got enough instrumental skill to do this. You just need to up the ante in terms of production. Basicaly, EQ your instruments so they aren't occupying the same frequency.


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