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PRC97 gave us Silph Company from the Pokemon series. I've never played the games, but the source tune caught my attention. I decided to join that round, and I ended up winning with this entry. I'd like to refine it and hopefully submit it in the future.

So, I give you Heroin Addict's Haunted Attic. "HAHA" to you. But why the title, besides the fact that it sounds so great as an acronym? Well, the remix happens to tell a little story. It's obviously about some little kids who move into a new neighborhood, discover a haunted mansion, encounter a deranged axe murderer in the attic, and emerge as murderer-murdering heroes in the end.


Specific feedback is always appreciated, but I can settle for vague praise/hatred.


I'm definitely liking the vibes from this mix, it's both cute, mischievous and scary at the same time, and the instrumentation adds a lot to the originality. I especially like the little breakdowns and tempo-changes during the second half (The chase with the axe murderer, right? ).

You might want to try making the ending section sound MUCH more heroic, in line with your little story, I'm thinking of near-Final Fantasy-style fanfare, because as it is, it's a bit anticlimactic.

that's pretty much all I can think of right now. =P


I like this a lot.....definitely quirky and lighthearted, very halloweeny (if thats a word). Im pretty familiar with the pokemon sources, and I wouldnt have expected silph to go in this direction, but it definitely works. I can tell from some of your previous WIPs that you have a good grasp of creating a quirky, kind of cartoony sound, and its well executed here. Some of the transitions seem a bit rough to me (particularly with the drums; I think you could balance between quirkiness and smoothness a little better. And like Tensei-San said, the ending could be a little more climactic.

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