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remixer name: alexhhhh

user ID: 15569

game remixed: Harvest Moon 64

song remixed: Winter (?)

This is a little piano remix of the winter theme from Harvest Moon 64 ( the original is here in case you haven't heard it, it can be sort of hard to find). Arrangement-wise, it starts off by introducing the original as two separate themes, then goes off into different variations of those themes. I intentionally recorded it to have a cold and distant sound, like a church in winter sort of thing. Hope you enjoy it!


"Winter", why the hell not? Nice choice for a song. And you were nice enough to provide the original. Ok, we call it wuteva.

Harvest Moon (Game Rip) - Winter

Tough source to listen to. The backing part is so distracting, it's hard to hone in on the melody even upon active listening.

Onto the arrangement, the recording sounds pretty lossy (as mentioned by the submitting artist), but we're gonna roll with it and see how the arrangement is for now. The left hand in particular could be a little smoother on the performance side. Captivating piano tone at 1:08, by the way; really beautiful.

Nice writing with the lead from :54-1:21. Not so much from 2:16, but that may have just been personal preference. It's not bad; it's good stuff in terms of being a bit more interpretive.

Man, you gotta do something more with that left hand writing. Droning on until 2:45, the writing gets colder than a dead fish. Playing around with the writing ideas for that is like a gimme in terms of interpreting the source. This holds too fast to the original and ends up dragging out. 2:53 was a long overdue change in the dynamics, and a beautiful ending.

Overall, the sections that are closer to the original play it too WAY too straight compared to the source, with some minor embellishments. The recording could probably be better without undermining the concept of a cold and distant sound, but that's neither here nor there, as a badass arrangement with this recording quality would pass in a heartbeat.

The performance could be smoother, but is still pretty nice; work on performance flow a little more. The piano tone is beautiful. You gotta up the interpretation and dynamic contrast of the arrangement to make things smooth sailing, Alexhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

NO (rework/resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

never heard the original before. It's pretty cool. Oh! That's what it reminds me of! "Distractions" by Zero 7. You know, the track is really mono, you chould boost the bitrate up to 192 and reduce it to a mono track and save some space and increase fidelity.

I don't know why larry's swooning about the piano tone; it's missing chunks of frequencies..I'm not counting that against the track, because it was clearly intentional, and it achieves it's purpose, but I wouldnt describe the tone as "beautiful."

I think this is a nice piece, and really enjoy the style. My main problem with it is that it gets a bit repetitive. This is a rare case when a 3:30 song would be passable if it were only 2:30. Either that, or make the arrangement a little more dynamic. Either way, I'd like to hear you submit again, cause this is really close, in my opinion.


  • 2 months later...

This piece definitely has a lot of things working FOR it; excellent dynamics and tempo modification in the performance, production that indeed gives off a wintry, isolated feel, esoteric source material that's addressed well.

I think my biggest problem is the left-hand writing as well, or rather, its repetitive nature; for three plus minutes, the same pattern/rhythm is repeated, and while I do think that (very common) pattern can sustain significant portions of a piano arrangement, not changing it up at all at any part - a cadenza, for instance - but instead letting it ride the entire arrangement out is problematic. We're going to be more detail-oriented on solo piano arrangements because there's nothing else to compensate - it's the arrangement, and the piano - and here, I really think the arrangement needs more left-hand action.

As does Vigilante.


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