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Done: Arrangement

Needs: Bass geetar, mixing & mastering, vox that don't blow

Brutal death metal vocalist urgently needed. I'm finally just about finished with this song after like 4 years, but my voice isn't up to par.

Edit: after mixing all night, it looks like my quick postproduction work wasn't up to par either. I updated the URL with an older version that actually has a couple of bass frequencies in it and shit.



Okay, let's see, I quite like the arrangement, but there's some production issues. The piano sounds quite tinny, as if some frequencies have been rolled off, or maybe it's just the sample quality. The vocals sound unintelligible in some parts, though not in the Death Metal-unintelligible way, it's more that they're not up-front enough and get buried beneath the percussion and the guitars. The kick drum rolls, while well sequenced, need some harsher velocity editing to prevent the machine-gun effect, and there's something that just doesn't feel quite right about the kick to my ears, but I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe it's in the way it has been processed. Also, I couldn't hear any bass at all, have you included it in this newest version?

I do think you're almost done with this, but you need to clear up a few of the production issues. The biggest issue IMO is that the vocals need to be much more up-front, and need to find their way 'around' the guitars by the use of EQ, rather than be buried beneath them.


Thanks for the comments. I just loaded it up again, and I'll reply point by point:

Vox: These have been scooped as much as possible without losing the power behind them. I don't have any problem hearing and understanding them, but then I'm intimately familiar with the lyrics so maybe my brain is filling in. :)

The piano is tinny...I rolled off bass freqs to avoid clashing with the kick drum when it comes in. Next time I'll try sidechain compression instead but I'm not comfortable enough with it to jump in just yet.

I re-loaded the kick into my editor and I can see a spread of about 5dB between the loudest and softest hits in a roll. I did apply heavy compression to let it slice through the guitars and bass so maybe that's what you're hearing. I personally don't notice a machinegun effect, either in the mixdown or when I solo the kick track.

And speaking of bass, I hear it at the exact right level through my studio phones (flat response), and a little too heavy on my surround/subwoofer system. :P


PS: I just realized something else about the vox...one of the many effects I used appears to have applied some sort of reverb to them. That would certainly rob them of power. I'll go back and see if I can kill the reverb, and see if that pops the vocals a little better.


The piano is tinny...I rolled off bass freqs to avoid clashing with the kick drum when it comes in. Next time I'll try sidechain compression instead but I'm not comfortable enough with it to jump in just yet.


Actually couldn't you just automate the EQ on it to kick in once the kick drum starts?

Actually couldn't you just automate the EQ on it to kick in once the kick drum starts?

Yes, or do it manually, and then it sounds like two different pianos. :P

I'll revisit the piano when I look at the vox tonight. It's entirely possible I rolled off too much.



v1.1 has been finished. Please have a listen:


You were dead-on about the piano; I did roll off too much bass. It sounds much better now. I also took the opportunity to boost the velocities of some of the notes which were nearly buried in the first render. I re-did the vox without the reverb, and as an added bonus the bassline seems to have come out more when I reworked the vox. This should address the majority of your concerns. Thanks for the feedback!


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