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Up & coming indie artist - Andrew Lipke


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This is a little pimpage for an artist by the name of Andrew Lipke, a Philadelphia local. This guy is signed to the Drexel U record label, MAD Dragon (though he himself is not a Drexel student) and I have to say, while I listen to very little contemporary music these days, this guy is really impressive. To briefly summarize what his style is, he's a singer/songwriting that crosses over into alternative rock. However, that's really a simplification as his stuff is far more interesting than most singer/songwriting OR alt. rock I've heard.

Here's the music video, just released recently, for his song "Untitled Song #1" - sort of lame title, I know, but it's a great video and a fantastic song. Definitely better than 99% of the crap on the radio and TV today. This particular song is sort of like uplifting trance played with traditional rock instruments, which is really cool;


This may go without saying, but Andrew writes, sings, and plays guitar - all expertly, unlike many commercial artists. Plus, his live shows are full of energy and you can tell he really loves music for the sake of music. I suggest checking out his website and listening to other songs from his debut album "The Way Home", which is also on iTunes and at various retail stores.


It's rare that I'll post about an artist that's not me, sgx, or Beatdrop, so y'all should check this out and tell your friends. :)

(On a side note, the music video was directed and shot by a friend of mine... another very talented individual.)

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That song almost shooed me away in the first little bit, but when it picked up it was pretty good. He doesn't do the soft, slow and melodic sound (a la Rufus Wainwright) quite as well as the progressive-esque alternative business.

I really like a few of his other songs so far: "Green Street" and "Moving Back to Paradise." Still listening to the second half of the album.

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