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David Rodríguez - Bermejo Rodríguez


Remix info:

Donkey Kong Country

Life In The Mines

The song's in the website, but the link's broken. Anyway here's the song

I was playing life in the mines level of Donkey Kong Country game and suddenly the idea of making some kind of techno remix of It, became to my mind. This is the first remix I send to this website, but Isn't the first remix I do. I must confess wasn't going to do it, I thought It wasn't good enough, but friends helped me to make the decision, so there is it.

I made the introduction of the song trying to give some kind of nostalgic feeling like in movies when someone Is looking to an old photograph. I wanted to do a techno remix, but with my own style, merging orchestral instruments, standar techno drums, and others drums which gives variety to the percussion. I guess you enjoy the remix as I did making it.

Note: sorry for my bad english.


right off the bat, the strings have way too slow an attack for their part. it sounds really poor. piano swimming in reverb. Texture is somewhat thin. Follows the generic techno step-by-step manual. There's really not a lot of creativity presented here. Not bad for a first remix, but you could benefit from bringing this to teh WIP forum.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkc - "Life in the Mines" (dkc-12.spc)

Interesting intro. I definitely see what Vigilante was saying about the string attacks as they feel like the slightly lag behind. Can't say I like where the transition into techno was going, as the sounds and processing were pretty by-the-numbers. Not really much meat in the textures once things truly picked up at :57, with sparser sections like 1:10-1:35 feeling way too flimsy. The background strings there needed more meat on 'em as well to better fill out the soundfield.

The percussion writing varied up on occasion, and there was a little meat on the bones, but the overall texture remained thin. More should have been done in terms of the arrangement of the source melody. The melodic interpretation in place is ok, but IMO repeats too much, making the overall arrangement feel underdeveloped. Ending arrived fairly abruptly at 3:00. Keep an eye on that kind of avoidable mistake for the future.

Decent stuff, moreso on the arrangement side, but still quite a lot of progress would need to be made with both the arrangement and production to have a shot. More meat, more substance.


right off the bat, the strings have way too slow an attack for their part. it sounds really poor. piano swimming in reverb. Texture is somewhat thin. Follows the generic techno step-by-step manual. There's really not a lot of creativity presented here. Not bad for a first remix, but you could benefit from bringing this to teh WIP forum.



Why say it when Vig has said it already?

No but I'll add a few words here. Let me emphasize that this isn't a bad submission. Especially a first sub. But with such a cookie-cutter formula, this style of music, especially in the VGM remixing scene is becoming a little trite. The key to really good techno/trance is to try to keep the song from being so predictable. Throw the listener for a good loop or two. Do something unexpected. Keeps your work from sounding so hackneyed. Again, not a bad first sub.


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