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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (ENTIRE Soundtrack!)


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I need a good group of musicians who can compose exact arrangements of the Original LTTP soundtrack. I want EXACT arrangements, not total remixes. If you're willing to do it, send an e-mail to SkaRabbi88@gmail.com with what you've composed, and I'll see if I'll accept it...

Now I know the address my account is linked with is different, that's because someone else took it from me. So send you music to the above address please.

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Hmm, interesting concept with this project. It seems to be in it's very beginning stages though - don't you think it's a bit early to be requesting musicians? Song covers aren't too hard to do and I think I might be interested at some point. I just think others (as well as I) would be hesitant to begin working on music for a project so early, before you can tell for sure that it will go to completion.

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