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Hi there, I recently got Buzz Tracker and decided to learn it by remixing one of my

favorite songs on the NES - The level 2-2 theme. I also have the midi on hand if you

need it, but I just got it from vgmusic.com anyway.

Keep in mind this /is/ my first attempt at any kind of remixing.. though I'm actually

quite confident in the quality. It's all about the texture. ~.^

List it as remixed by Anthropicus Panthera Morphous, and feel free to list this

email address (daeth@cogeco.ca) because, really, I need all the feedback I can

get. Thanks a bunch. ^.^


Ahhh! That bassline gets on my nerves in the beginning D: Then that lead at 0:46 really kills me. On top of that, this mix has weak drum programming. Not bad for a beginner, but keep practicing, and you'll get there! The introduction was pretty cool up until about 0:11. I hate to say that it was my favorite part, but it was.



Ok, well there are a few things that strike me as "non-OCR-material" for this song. I'm wondering why it made it to the judges panel as opposed to going straight to... well anyway. There really isn't much variety here. I hear two or three different synths in the mix. Probably three since that's how many instruments are used in NSF files. And basically this falls into the "take a midi or nsf file, copy the notes, add a beat, don't vary it, then submit it and hope that it makes it in based on the fact that it's your first mix" category, and songs in that category get a no from me. So here:




Not much goes on here. In fact, it's basically just a repetition of the same 3-second ditty, with an actual melody sometimes put on top of it. This might work if the drums were programmed well and all the sounds were really high quality, but as it is I can't find one good reason to post this.



3 No? does this deserve a mercy YES?

lets see..


Im putting this sentence here so it doesnt SEEM like there are no Pros.


Clippin straight off the start

128-320kbps VBR? HAS THE WORLD GONE INSANE? THAT will NOT solve your cliping problems, I guarentee.


Nothing happens. No expantion on the theme

No melody. Lets try bass/lead harmony next time


EDIT: the no was too small. so, NO[


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