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Remixer name: Begrimed

Real name: Mike Silcox

Email address: anzudime@gmail.com

Website: http://www.begrimed.com

Remix info

Game: Super Metroid

Songs remixes: Lower Brinstar and Lower Norfair.


"Garden of Magma" is the title of this remix. It is a combination of lower Brinstar and lower Norfair's themes from Super Metroid, fused with Metroid Prime's futuristic glitchy style, and a dash of slow trance on the side for a heavy beat to carry things through. I know these two themes are a bit overdone, but, what can I say? They've always been my favorite tracks from the game, and it's only recently I've felt that my skills were polished enough to attempt a worthwhile remix for your site. Enjoy the tunage.

This is my first submission to OCR, but I may crank out another remix or two in the future if any particular themes come to mind. Akuma's ending theme from Street Fighter Alpha II has always interested me. ;)


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" (sm-20.spc) & "Norfair Ancient Ruins Area" (sm-26.spc)

There are a lot of bells and whistles in the original writing that forms the foundation of the track. Though the soundscape was thin, and repetitive to an extent, it resulted in some interesting textures.

But when it came to the Super Metroid source material, the treatment was simplistic and lacking. It's seems like not as much effort was put in in terms of interpreting the melodies or giving them any body or depth.

Brinstar faded into earshot around :41, with some rhythmical alterations. The robovox handling Brinstar at 1:11 just sounded thin & cheap and needed some harmonic support to beef it up, otherwise it just sounded really lonely. The brass handling Norfair at 2:47 (1:09 of that source) also sounded really cheap and flimsy, plus as an instrumentation choice I don't see how it fit alongside the other sounds, but maybe that's just me.

Flesh the textures out, figure out ways to vary up the backing patterns more, and do more substantive interpretation with the actual Super Metroid source themes. Interesting ideas though, but ultimately at the expense of doing anything meaningful with the Metroid material.



you set up an interesting groove, but when the melody comes in, first of all, it has nothing to do with anythign else that's going on in the song, and second of all, it sounds terrible. The vocal sample is dry and ugly. There's no harmony going on here. The melodies are pasted over the groove.

This could have got the letter as far as I'm concerned.



Is it possible to get high from listening to an audio file? Either that's what just happened, or otherwise this track is trippy as hell.

Very interesting, and some really unique fx & stuff, but I'm with Larry and Jess in that this is pretty obnoxious in terms of the arrangement itself. I really do dig the crazy lo-fi effects, but unfortunately it just doesn't really work with the Metroid source material you've chosen.

I hope what I'm about to say makes sense--here goes.

As terrible as this sounds, it's really still pretty cool.

Make sense? Didn't think so. I'd almost encourage the mixer to leave the link in the track so people can hear this anyway. Not much good as an addition to OCR, but still cool in it's own unique rights, which I think is respectable.


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