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Hello everybody, this is the official thread of the project album: Names of An Unknown Fate. This is my attempt at organizing a classical music group project. Although this attempt might fail, I figured it was worth a try. Anybody who wishes to help can either post in this thread, pm me or IM me. Special thanks to fatchops for his help and support in creating this album.

Link to all of the album/my songs:


Participating Musicians: The Lone Ranger, fatchops

This is the current chart of progress:

Currently In Progress:

Rezhume's Dance (The Lone Ranger)

Dance of the Clouds (The Lone Ranger)

Dance of the Cloudsv2 (The Lone Ranger)

Finished Works:

The Fall of Rain (fatchops, coming soon)


So I listened to Dance of the clouds versions 1 and 2. They were pleasant enough to listen to, but they seemed kind of empty. The 3 instruments in it don't create enough atmosphere to get into. On top of that, the melody was to simplistic and repetitive. Most of the time the same 2 notes were played repeatedly. There needs to be a stronger balance of instruments before this one can be considered complete.


it's totally relevant ;p jk

ok, about the song.

rezhume's dance does not really make me feel like dancing at all. well, maybe a very slow interpretive dance, but for something like that, it requires more time for the listener to 'sink' into the slower, ambient feeling of the song, in order to actually feel the dance. cutting it off so short is a gip. perhaps some more arrangement and elongating it like 5x would really help one trance out into the subtle mellow vibes of the song. and by arrangement i don't mean adding more instruments, i mean to have the piano doing a little more (or perhaps less) than what it's doing now. it seems your songs all use the same riff. you syncopate the root note with a couple other notes, without even changing the root note to go along with the changing of the chords (not that you have to, but in order to pull off something so simple, it requires a lot of skill and subtlety, not to mention musical magic. you'd think simpler stuff would be easier for amateurs to make, but it's really the opposite. do you listen to erik satie at all? i think he is the master of classical subtlety in all it's epic greatness). also i think it would sound better if it were somewhat more quantized (not necessarily 100% quantized, but to be more in 'rhythm', if you could even say these pieces have rhythm).

keep working on it, and surely you will make something really sweet soon enough.

also, an album is generally about 8 or more songs. anything less is considered an EP or a single.

it's totally relevant ;p jk

ok, about the song.

rezhume's dance does not really make me feel like dancing at all. well, maybe a very slow interpretive dance, but for something like that, it requires more time for the listener to 'sink' into the slower, ambient feeling of the song, in order to actually feel the dance. cutting it off so short is a gip. perhaps some more arrangement and elongating it like 5x would really help one trance out into the subtle mellow vibes of the song. and by arrangement i don't mean adding more instruments, i mean to have the piano doing a little more (or perhaps less) than what it's doing now. it seems your songs all use the same riff. you syncopate the root note with a couple other notes, without even changing the root note to go along with the changing of the chords (not that you have to, but in order to pull off something so simple, it requires a lot of skill and subtlety, not to mention musical magic. you'd think simpler stuff would be easier for amateurs to make, but it's really the opposite. do you listen to erik satie at all? i think he is the master of classical subtlety in all it's epic greatness). also i think it would sound better if it were somewhat more quantized (not necessarily 100% quantized, but to be more in 'rhythm', if you could even say these pieces have rhythm).

keep working on it, and surely you will make something really sweet soon enough.

also, an album is generally about 8 or more songs. anything less is considered an EP or a single.

I agree with what you're saying, but to let you know, its not finished. Also, I plan to start more tracks in the future, and I was also hoping to have the ocr community join in on this. This is still bending and molding, you can't expect it to be totally capable, ready and done right away.

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