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Good foundation Visibore. Off the bat, I can think of a few really simple things to help this arrangement out.

First, the four instrument parts need their own sonic space. Right now everything is sitting in the center and the tone of the two guitar parts is very similar. The result is a jumbled and less interesting performance. Try panning the two guitar parts away from each other, say 60%L/R. The cello should stay relatively centered since it carries a lot of the melody, but play around with the panning on it and the strings as well until something sounds nice.

Secondly, everything sounds pretty dry. Even basic samples such as these can be brought to life with the right amount of reverb. Don't go crazy though. Classical music played from inside a cave = bad.

Third, vary the playing of the guitar parts. They pretty much play eighth notes from start to finish. Gotta switch it up sometimes!

Fourth, to further separate the guitars, try changing the eq of one of them. This will give them each their own character and will keep parts like 3:05-3:09 from sounding overly synthetic and too 'in phase'.

Hope this helps :)

You be careful there, Brandon. I'll have to beg you to rejoin the panel. :-P
When I jammed with BGC at Dave's house a little while ago, I was freaked out at how musically similar Jimmy and I are. The conclusion, my friend, is that you can't have us both on the panel at the same time. Our votes would be overly synthetic and too 'in phase' :)

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