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I LOOOOOVE Happy Hardcore and hard fast dance/trance. Like, you have no idea. I groove like nothing else when I hear it. The thing is, I suck at bass. Like, you have no idea. I think I'm missing some of the basic concepts of bass and/or compression, and I need your help...

Can someone provide me a source file for how to make a happy hardcore bass/kick combo? I'm fine with high end synthesis/mastering, its these 2 things which just kill me.... and even after reading so much on it, I have no idea how to make the bass complement the kick and the song.

Example of my type of music.... http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/loop2.mp3 (^_^ *whoooo* *jumps around*)


Well I'll give it a go. The key to this is sidechain compression, using the kick rhythm to change the volume of the bassline. As the kick goes in the bass volume goes down. Then in a matter of milliseconds the volume goes up again, giving a pumping effect to the beat. Let me use some rns files to illustrate this:

1. Original

This is just something I quickly threw together. No effects or mixing at all! Nastiness.

2. Mixing

Here I have cut down the lowest frequencies of the kick drum so that the bassline can sit underneath that. Then I have cut down some frequencies in the bass synth so that the kick can be most prominent at those frequencies, so the kick and bass are now tight with each other. I have also added some compression to level out the bass and add a little more intensity to the drums.

3. Sidechain compression.

I have created a redrum and selected a kick that works nicely to let my bass 'pump'. The output from this first channel is fed into the 'sidechain in' on the compression machine that controls the bass.

Now I can program a four to the floor kick pattern on the redrum (or just play it in as I did). The kick signal goes into the compressor and triggers a gain reduction. Still sounds powerful but neat at the same time.

4. Final

With effects etc.

Hope that was helpful in some way.


OO awesome!!! I'v tried sidechaining in the past but never with that much compression, and never EQ'ed the kick/bass like that...

Cheers dude! I owe you candy!

Now, does anyone know where I can find some good kick samples? Iv only found 2-3 in the default soundbanks that I like.

(ps, Hi, AnotherSoundscape!!)

OO awesome!!! I'v tried sidechaining in the past but never with that much compression, and never EQ'ed the kick/bass like that...

Cheers dude! I owe you candy!

Now, does anyone know where I can find some good kick samples? Iv only found 2-3 in the default soundbanks that I like.

(ps, Hi, AnotherSoundscape!!)

Get drummerboy refill (seems to have dissapeared of the internet so I'll upload it for you... waaait for it... waaait for it... http://soundscape.escariot.net/Drummer-Boy-ReFill.rfl ) for 909 goodness and other cool machines. otherwise Flatpack 2 is supercool for samples and everything else.



Nothing is better than the good old 909. Find GOOD sampled 909 drumkits(there are some out there that are really low quality and won't do much good) and compress/distort/layer/mix and match them to your like. Believe me that for dance bassdrums you will rarely need anything else.

There are also some sample libraries out there that offer variations of 909 drums already layered/compressed, etc. Those are a good start too, but for starters get the whole drumkit.

Nothing is better than the good old 909. Find GOOD sampled 909 drumkits(there are some out there that are really low quality and won't do much good) and compress/distort/layer/mix and match them to your like. Believe me that for dance bassdrums you will rarely need anything else.

There are also some sample libraries out there that offer variations of 909 drums already layered/compressed, etc. Those are a good start too, but for starters get the whole drumkit.

GIMME LINKS :D I want more 909

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