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*NO* Super Bomberman 1, 3 & 5 'Tarob Kangaroo'

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Here's another remix from me, done in the Tarob style.

Its title is "Tarob-Covered Kangaroo Jam", and it's a mix of a recurring theme from Super Bomberman 1, 3, 5, and Panic Bomber.

Its URL is

Its remixer (me!) is Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus.

And my email is feanyx@yahoo.com

Let it be known that I hate yahoo mail. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

I hope ya like it. Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Outie 5,000

Cuddly Battleship Kattywampus




.... what is going on here with the drums?


envelopes that crazy feel aspect of that crazy ass game...


Beats are rediculously annoying.

The middle section has off notes and is not very well put together.

Like that solo

Ok, heres my advice: delete the entire drumtrack and do it over. Fix some of the off notes in the middle and resubmit. Im ok with this song as long as SOMETHING is done with the drums. I really liked the variation on the melody.




Rhythm seems a little off, but that may be just because I'm only used to certain types of quantising.

I really do like the groove and the chord structure of this. The bassline was good, the strings were excellent.

I couldn't hear any off-key notes, but I must say that the percusssion completely spoils this for me. The cowbells in particular really are VERY annoying, it seems to get in the way of the other instruments.

I hate to say NO, but I really think this mix could be soooo much greater if the percussion was re-worked.

To the remixer, please re-do the drums without the cowbells and re-submit, as I would like to see this on OC.


Sounding really messy to me. Like it's all just mixed up, the percussion particularly. I also noticed some off notes in that part in the middle.

If the percussion could be cleaned up a bunch then I don't really see anything wrong with this. Even the few odd notes in the middle might be acceptable.. maybe.

Vote: No



You use a Yamaha PSR something or other. I can only tell because this sounds exactly like my keyboard, which is old as death. Well, not really, but it's kind of old.


Either that or it's a soundcard with the yamaha xg soundchip, but I swear, all of my megaman mixes use these same sounds. I never really used the agogo in those mixes, but this is definitely that chip. It's good to see budding remixers using the same things. I think I'm going to need a tissue. This is so emotional

Anyway, about this mix. I need to give you some tips and tricks for making this thing sound better than it does because this mix sounds REALLY raw. And I'm not sure how you got that percussion to do be off like that but it IS interesting. If you didn't use a software sequencer, that could have something to do with it, assuming you did it note by note on the board itself and didn't quantize or something. But if you DID do it with a software sequencer, I could see CPU power doing this. These yamaha synths can only handle up to 32 voices (which isn't much when you've got reverb and delay on every track). So when I used to use the yamaha board to write, I'd have to record out about 3 tracks at one time. Usually I'd record out: 1) drums, 2) strings, 3) anything else; and that would take care of note-loss. But the problem was, my CPU wasn't hot. I had an AMD K6-II 333 and when I would record out, sometimes the sequencer would skip. And then I'd have to re-record from the beginning, AGAIN, because I had to sync up the tracks.

But anyway, the drum problem just sounds like a quantization thing. That and a lack of grasp on drumtrack techniques. And yeah there are some "wrong notes" in there. There seems to be a clash between the ambient strings and the lead which is really obvious at about 1:18.

Seriously though, that beat sounds like some of the stuff I put in my really early stuff before I got a SOMEWHAT better grasp of how to make a beat that I felt GOOD about. I'd always finish a beat, listen and think "this really sounds nothing like what I want it to, but I can't figure out how to make it right." And even now, I hear something by almost any "professional" artist and think "wow, how the hell do I make my beats sound like that?"

Couple of hints. You don't need as many kicks as you think you do. You also don't need as many snare hits as you think you do. The disco hihats aren't bad, but can be annoying in excess.

Anyway, that's about it. It's the standard


from the DiscoFan, but this could be improved. Hell, it's a lot closer to decent than a lot of other stuff that comes through here...


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