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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, here we go.

Not familiar with the source at all, but I gave it a listen.

You have changed a lot from the original, and I'm feelin' the groove.

The strings sound almost verbatim to the original. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but at the moment you have them doing practically the same thing throughout the WIP. Since this is infact a WIP, I'll leave a lot of arrangement ideas out, since you haven't finished it yet.

I'm not feeling the guitar synth (is that's what that is) that you have going there. The track, as a whole, is pretty grating, which is fine, but maybe something with a little more pure tone would work a little better. Since this is a rap-esque track, maybe look into the "Gangsta Synth" (with some effects on it) from the Maelstrom (mono synths).

I like the beginning how you blend the scratching with the drums. It sounds a little abrupt to me. An ambient intro (doesn't have to be long) might help get into the song a bit smoother.

Like I said in IRC, you need Gandhi here to rap for you!!! :-)

A lot of what I'm suggesting is personal preference, so take it however you'd like. When you have a full arrangement, feedback will be easier (and probably more helpful) for me ;-).

I'm feeling the groove, mate.

Looking forward to more!!


Ah, thanks for the review, I get what you're saying. I'll try some of that stuff out, and yea, it'd be easier for everyone to provide feedback if I posted a complete arrangement instead of 30% of one. I guess I'll get to work on that.


Like I said in IRC, you need Gandhi here to rap for you!!! :-)

lol!! i could totally see that.

This mix is like if a haunted house were to suddenly open up as a club, like this is what they would play. lol

btw knives nice use of the scratching in this mix. is that live production?

I for one like the synths used. The violins have that early final fantasy feel which is definitely working. That gritty synth doesnt sound anything like a guitar to me, but i like it. Im a fan of using a flanger or some kind of oscillation to give a synth that extra flava flav. lol

any how i think some counter melodies to the violins would also add some depth, but then again might muddle the composition.

Definitely intrigued to hear more!


Oh davidcus! You should know better, the scratches are .rex files in the reason factory soundbank XD! Tweek was like, "I know those scratch samples," and me, "yea, they're the only decent ones in Reason :P"

You and tweek both seemed to mention the strings, and I specifically kept those fairly similar through-out because I wanted it to resemble the original tune, counter melodies could work to spice it up but hmm, yea, it may muddy up my mix. I think I should just replace my bass (it's not suppose to sound like a guitar :P), it's the cause of the grating sound, everything could sound cleaner if I fixed that.

Kay, mental notes to self:

* replace bass synth

* do something with the strings

* complete arrangement

* get gandhi out of his grave and get him to say, "yo mah name is olaf and i'll bust ice caps in yo ass."



Hey there, I'd like to go on record as saying this is the best EVAR (due to its connection to advance wars) but its not perfect yet. in addition to what's been said i feel like the drums are a little thin, maybe think about adding a bit more weight to them? other than that i like it a whole lot, good for you!

Hey there, I'd like to go on record as saying this is the best EVAR (due to its connection to advance wars) but its not perfect yet. in addition to what's been said i feel like the drums are a little thin, maybe think about adding a bit more weight to them? other than that i like it a whole lot, good for you!

ha. ha. ha. Nostalgia strikes again! I was wondering why nobody mentioned anything about the drums earlier, even I thought they were a tad thin... hmm, looks like I had more work ahead of me than I thought... meh, oh well, I'll see what I can do.


Okay, I'm here now, you can calm down :)

let's see listening to the original. Funny tune O.o

..and nooow, your remix.

Cool intro, caught me off-guard in a good way.

The bass is hard panned right, not a good idea. It makes the mix sound less consistent. Especially in a genre such as hip-hop you want a bass with a lot of low end in the middle of the mix.

The guitar-thing that's in the left speaker is interesting, but it is very lo-fi in it's character. As tweek pointed out, a more squelchy mono synth would probably sound way cooler.

As for production, it's very much hi-mid and high frequencies. not much bass at all. Try EQing them drums.

I like how you use panning as a weapon, but don't overdo it. Bass to the middle please, and don't pan stuff super-hard, gives a very shattered impression.. though I AM on headphones..

The strings are not that bad for what they are. Does the work quite well, but are you using some kind of distortion on them? scream 4? ;) still it's not that bad but some EQing and less reverb/delay or whatever it is could make them sweeter.

Heh, when you go back to listen to the source you get all happy XD nice ideas. keep working now knives!


Hey, thanks Anso, confirmed some of the stuff I was thinking. And in this verison I think the strings had a tad of distortion sent to them through the aux channels, but it was so little I doubt it did anything, I was putting it on so my instruments meshed a little better with each other, but anyway, in the current verison I'm working on the strings are completely distortion free :D

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