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Golden Sun: Sunlight Adagio

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This is a piano-driven orchestral remix of the Inner Sol Sanctum track (also reffered to as "The Elemental Stars") from Golden Sun. It mainly concentrates on the main theme of the track, whil placing a part of the lead-up at the end of the mix. It's considered basically finished, but I still need feedback on it :)


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I really enjoyed the chord progressions here -- good work! With that said, it feels like the piece should pick up and be something more than it is...as if this was the intro to a larger work. I'd really like to see a fuller orchestral sound end the piece instead of the quiet reduction.

I like what you have, but want more. Could be that I'm just greedy for more GS material...

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Strings sound too far forward and are competing with the piano for space; push them back a bit. You can bring them out at :50 when it is just them, and that will have a much better effect than them just being in the absolute front from the very beginning.

Otherwise I am in agreement that it just takes to long to develop; it's great atmospheric music, and would work well as a movie score, but nothing really happens throughout. It basically paints a still life; an accurate and beautiful picture, but one which nothing happens in.

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