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An Hour and Flikteen Minutes motivational compo.

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Download the .RAR here.

Download the chat log at here.

If any of these downloads don't work let me know. I'm working on some server issues.


Compo Date / Time: TONIGHT - Tuesday, Oct. 2nd - 11:00 PM

This is a music compo that has no direction other than to give people the motivation to just MAKE something (something I have a problem with all the time). Instead of there being a theme of any sort that may cause someone to turn away because they don't feel they can make something in a certain style, they can just make whatever they want. I encourage original music in this.

An Hour and Flikteen minutes will last just that. You'll have an hour to put something together, and perhaps 15 minutes or so to do any quick cleanup and effect work and such that you couldn't do in the hour of creation time.

We will meet in #flikomp on the EnterTheGame IRC server.

Don't worry. This isn't some competition or anything. This is purely a way to motivate people who have difficulty coming up with music to make. Anyone can join in.

You may use whatever tools you normally use to make your music, just as long as you can make an MP3 out of it in the end so everyone can listen. When you make your MP3, it can be e-mailed to flikomp@gmail.com. Once received I will put everything into a RAR file and upload it to my server for all to download. If you have dialup this could be a problem, but we'll do what we can.

I'll try my best to make this a weekly thing. There may not be a specific date set for it. Odds are I'll just make a new thread for it or something and let people know what time I'll be starting it that night. Weekends are iffy since I'm out of town so much during them. If you miss out on one, don't worry, there will be more! And don't fret if you think your original tune sucks. This compo is so you can make stuff and in turn get better!

Hope to see you there, and happy music making!


This is going to be great stuff folks! It's amazing what getting a group of people together with likened goals can do for your motivation. As you already know, I'm down for doing this as much as possible and at least helping with organizing if I'm not working on something myself that week. Just showing my support! :)


Awesome work everyone! I know this wasn't the most organized, especially when it came to getting the files to me and my server having issues, but overall I think this went great. We'll get the bugs worked out a bit and definitely do this some more.

Sometime tomorrow when work isn't killing me I'll post the RAR file and the chat log. But for now, SLEEP.


Damn Flik, just missed ya! I'm looking forward to see how it went. If at some point in the future we run it at 7 or 8pm PST, I should be able to make it. Work sucks!! >.<

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