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New single - Hothead


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Hey again all! It's been a long while since I've posted anything in good old WIP:O, mostly due to my work on my recent album, Antechamber (which is still available free) and my desire to withhold all the tracks (excluding preview sets) until the actual release of said album, which took place a couple months ago.

That said, I recently became involved with the Original VG Music Contest, or "OVGMcon", in which a number of entrants make video game songs within a month's time, based on a constricting theme. It's the same idea as the CMC mostly, except that it began at VGMix rather than OCR. Last month, the month I participated in, was the very first iteration of this new contest (the second one is going on right now - there's actually an OCR thread about it here for anyone who's interested in more details). The theme for that first month was "a futuristic, post-apocalyptic, high-speed race" a-la F-Zero GX. More specifically, the BGM for a race taking place in this sort of game.

So the following track, Hothead, was my entry for this competition, where I was really happy to find out it took first place!

Right-click, save-as here.

Any comments are highly appreciated.

Hothead will also likely become the first or second track on my upcoming new album (due out early to mid-2008 depending on how fast I work) which means it's also something of a preview.

I'll take the opportunity to give you guys a couple progress updates (as I've decided not to do so on my site until I finish reorganizing and redesigning it - still plugging away). First, I've just completed a new track called "Fields of Black", which will follow Hothead on the album. I believe it may be my highest-quality track yet, which I'm really pleased with so far.

Second is OVGMcon #2 - as I won the first contest, I picked the theme for the second, which is "A Nighttime Village" - the full theme can be found through that link above. I chose this theme not only because I believed it would work well to follow a high-speed, high-energy theme but also because I've had a concept in mind (but hadn't yet worked on) for my album which would exactly suit this theme. Kill two birds with one stone. I think it's coming along nicely so far. After that point I won't include any further competition tracks in the album unless they're of high enough quality - I have lots of concept ideas for this album I don't want taken over by stuff everyone's already heard (and more importantly, themes I didn't come up with)!

So - once I get about three more tracks completed for this album, I'll give you guys the first Preview Set, just as I did with Antechamber. 'Till then, happy listening!

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