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One word, vocoder. Look it up in the help menu and I think there's a tutorial on the FL site. It mixes your voice with a sound, so you just need to make a kind of robotic sound and mix it with the vocoder.

One word, vocoder. Look it up in the help menu and I think there's a tutorial on the FL site. It mixes your voice with a sound, so you just need to make a kind of robotic sound and mix it with the vocoder.

Thanks, ill look into it


it is like a real time EQ to the frequencies that your voice contains. Sort of like sweeping a filter can create a "Wah sound". All our language sounds like "Cat" "dog" ect have different frequency patterns. But the fundamental of the wave stays the same since you are modifying partials (same note, but now with a voice)


I was gonna make a new thread, but I suppose this one will work.

I vocode quite often, but I could use some help getting better at it. I use the vocoder that comes with FL Studio.

I know what all the buttons and knobs do, but yet I often have trouble getting a vocoder to sound right. I know a lot of it has to do with the carrier sound, so for one I could use some recommendations on things that make for good carrier sounds.

My vocoders often tend to have a lot of extra weird grating frequencies that sorta trail off and pop in here and there, and I've tried reducing those frequencies, and lowering the release time, etc. and am often able to make small improvements those ways, but I can never seem to get them to sound anywhere near as clear and uncluttered as, say, the vocoders in much of Daft Punk.


just use like a sub tractive synth sound as carrier, but the trick is to change notes midword. I will put up an example in a few days. I have lots of homework right now, but experiment with vibrato and quick scale turns on the carrier.

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