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*NO* Revenge of Shinobi 'Ninja Needs Bass'


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Here is the info about my remix:

Link to song:

Contact Information

Remixer name: joynes

Real name: Johannes Kählare

Email: joynes@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.joynes.se/

Submission Information

Name of game: The Revenge of Shinobi

Name of song: The Shinobi

Comments: This game has lots of great songs, but I think "The Shinobi" from the first level is the best. I want it to sound more powerful and also to be more easy to listen to. Therefore I decreased the tempo and I put in a pretty heavy bass. The song was created with Reason together with cubase for mastering.

/br joynes


http://project2612.org/download.php?id=135 - "The Shinobi"

Pretty blistering on the treble, but not feeling too annoying because it tends to be in short bursts and not a sustained level of earbreak. :-). Really needs some serious EQ adjustments and better balancing. Besides that, the sound choices for the lead and support are pretty ugly, IMO; they don't lend to good-sounding textures. 2:33 is just way too barren with that cheap synth lead, even with the addition of more elements at 2:41. The closing section at 4:02 with the faux electric guitar is just ugly; it's a promising idea that wasn't pulled off well in my opinion.

The interpretation factor is noted, as the first minute or so of the arrangement teases at the original in a somewhat supporting-level role, placing it more in the background compared to the original writing up front until 1:11. The melody of "The Shinobi" was altered, but it was still basically the verbatim theme only a lot less melodious; not something I could consider an improvement. From a personalization level, this was at least in the right direction in terms of adding more substance to the groove and giving the track more body, but the melodic interpretation was still low.

Gonna have to leave it to the others to offer more specific criticism with regards to improvement, as there are other angles that I can't articulate, but it boiled down to weak melodic arrangement, some areas with weaker textures, and mixing/EQing issues all leading to NO.

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been listening to this for almost half an hour.

don't know what to tell you. i dig it. there are some really good ideas, especially at the beginning ... very smooth. however, the instrumentation gets progressively weaker and has some really harsh textures. the chillness of the intro becomes lost

i am more entertained than i am impressed.


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Production wise, I like the idea that very strong percussive sounds are being used here. However a lot of attention needs to be paid to the eq; the drum sounds overall are quite low-fi, whilst the high hats are super sharp and abrasive which means that it's not as tight as it could sound. A touch of compression would also help the drums sound more like they belong together.

The rhythmic ideas are good here, particularly at around the 0.53 mark. However in terms of arrangement, the source is followed near verbatim. Now whilst for this piece that IS the direction to go because of the source, the main melodies are presented here unchanged and without rich melodic backgrounds, counter melodies and chords and elements like those which were present in the source. It's too cut down and simplified.


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