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I'm not sure that this is quite what you're site is about, but this mad hip hop tune by the Desert Empire's hottest rap group should blow your socks off.

"MoFo Maniac"

based on the theme to Maniac Mansion for the NES

Produced by The MilkMan Morgan for the Honky Mofos

featuring The MilkMan Morgan and Kibbone the Naughty Caucasian

Official MoFo Website is at

the song is hosted at

give it a listen. We hope you dig it and chose to host us on your site. Thank you for your consideration.


Why do tripod and angelfire always want me to save mp3s as mpeg files? is this some sort of conspiracy with Microsoft to endorse Mplayer???

oh well. If this is as as bad as DC13 makes it out to sound, it probably won't matter what I play it in...


Hmm... some white people just shouldn't rap. Actually, some black people shouldn't rap too. Too much maniac mansion original. There's ... ok, I'm not really sure what this has to do with the original, besides the music playing in the background which IS the original.


I'm not sure that this is quite what you're site is about

Let me clarify: NO

I guess what I'm not sure about is why this didn't get a straight rejection letter....


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