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Mega Man Legends "Tiesel's Theme"


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I am surprised that Legends doesn't have any remixes... it's a great soundtrack and a great game even if it's usage of "mega man" is rather questionable...*ahem.*

Anyway, this is my remix of Tiesel's theme - it's a rather sad theme and starts out slowly and then cuts in with a tempo change... it's a weird blend of dnb, orchestra and synths. I have a few solos left to add (specifically, at 4:27)

What say you?

v1: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/jfhj/legends

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My thoughts, listening through.

Some guitar notes have a little click. Lower attack slightly or use another sample.

The intro is a little too long and it makes the whole thing really repetitive. You could kill at least a half minute of the stuff before 1:28.

The harp, or whatever it is, needs waay longer release time.

More bass! Seriously, the instrument is fine, it just needs to be louder. More bass on the EQ, or more volume, but... more bass!

2:29-2:59, see if you can shorten this, kill a loop or so. 3:13-3:41 again? The subtle changes either need to be way more prominent, or the whole thing needs to be shorter. Basically, it's the same from 2:29 to 3:41, and with the same rhythm coming back at 4:13, it's just way too much that's the same. This last time around, it works better due to the differences.

The 4:58 to end part is too long. 1,5 mins head, 1 min tail, it's too much. You could halve this and make the remix more compact.

Throughout, the piano is very mechanical, it needs to be more humanized. Change velocity on the individual notes to fit what someone actually would play.

Overall, it's very repetitive. I'm not familiar with the source, so I can't comment on how well it's incorporated into this. This is something I can imagine myself listening too, once it's been fixed a bit. Length is a problem, repetition is another, and there's the bass issue too. Also, with stuff cut out, I worry there's not enough content, so while you should cut and merge stuff, you should also find places to add your own take on the theme, beyond extending and into expanding.

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