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New here-My remix so far of brinstar 2-super metroid


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I used to confuse some themes in Super Metroid, calling Red Brinstar "Maridia". You've got it backwards too, this is the second Maridia theme. :)

You've got enough of the source in this, unfortunately not tied together. It feels like a drum region, a bass region (that needs more bass and less noise), a low noisy lead, a piano region, and a flute region, tossed together in different combinations without any arrangement besides simplifications of the source.

I'm not feeling the bass. Listen to some drum n' bass music to get a feel for it. It sounds more like the backing beat for rap than dnb, what little I've actually listened to either.

This needs more work. Reason is a great tool, I've heard really impressive stuff done is Reason, so it's up to you to learn how to use it. Bass, variation... this doesn't have energy. Dnb, afaik, has energy.

But work on it for a week or two, and come back. There's some pretty cool things you've done with the drums. I suggest you don't try to make it dnb, just make it your own style until you start hearing what it should be. Or, work hard ot studying dnb and rework it in that direction. Good luck, and check back in a while for feedback on your next version.

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I don't think this counts as DnB but only D dude. Hahaha. There's no bass at all. I don't even hear that bass region thing Rozovian mentioned. I don't think leaving 99% of the variation to the drums is a very good thing. You really ought to change up the piano part a LOT. Even with all the nice drum variations, I don't ever feel like the song is playing a different part until the flute part comes in. I think the drums may be too much louder than the other stuff as well, man(woman?). But you have a cool idea. I'm not very knowledgeable about drum and bass but for now, my advice to you is:

*Change up the parts that aren't drums a LOT more.

*Do something with volumes and EQ to make it sound like the drums and everything else actually belong together.

*Add bass to make it a dnb track. It's just d right now.


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