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I wanted to build a faster computer, but I don't know where to start. I googled around for some motherboards and didn't get anywhere. I want to get a core 2 quad or something really fast and 4gb of fast (ddr3?) memory. My budget is $500. Maybe a new power supply if my old one can't cut it. I don't know what it is though. Right now, I have a hard drive, usb 2 ext hard drive, use 2 usb bays (keyboard and mouse), one monitor, and one pci 2496 soundcard. My current memory is 2 512 ddr for a total of 1gb.

I wanted to upgrade my processing speed and ram. I am assuming my current motherboard is too old and I need a new one to load a faster processor into it. So I need a motherboard compatible with at least two usb 2.0 bays, a dvd/cd drive, 4gb ram, fast processor, and pci sound card.

*** Do all motherboards fit the cases or do I have to cut the backside of the case off for the pci slots to line up right on the new motherboard? I want a new motherboard with fast processor (duocore/quad core/whatever is the hot market item) and 4gb of ram, and hopefully compatible with everything else I already have. If it exists, something that could be used to go dual monitor would also be cool

edit: forgot to say thanks. I realize you people have better things to do than to help some moron upgrade his computer

Oh also if i get the 64 bit processor, do I have to change OS's? Is there a free upgrade from xp32 to xp64? And are there problems with 32bit applications on 64bit machine or does it notmatter? I want to be able to still run all my vst stuff. Thanks.

I did some more looking and this one looks good for its price - Intel® Core™2 Duo processor E6300, but I've heard amd is better for desktops?

ok so I readthat you need xp64 edition togo up to 4gb ram. Ok now I am thinking about getting the amd 6400, bio mother board, and 2x2ddr2 ram. It's considerably under my budget $500 and would like to go quad core if possible or are those not good? like the phenom 9600 and 4gig memory would be awesome, but I am having a hard time finding a cheap compatiblemother boardwith pci for my soundcard. THANKS EVERYONE I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A FAST COMPUTER. I am also considering one of those $100 500gig hard drive,but I think I will wait on that.

Ok thanks again.

wow I just read that the 9600 is suck compared to intel core 2 duo. meh this is confusing I am going tobed. Plz help.


I want to get a core 2 quad or something really fast and 4gb of fast (ddr3?) memory. My budget is $500.

For that budget you're going to get 4 gb DDR2 (3 is amazingly expensive) and a Core 2 Duo.

Maybe a new power supply if my old one can't cut it.

You will need a new one.

My current memory is 2 512 ddr for a total of 1gb.

Which is useless in your new mobo.

Do all motherboards fit the cases

ATX case = ATX motherboard = no problem.

4gb of ram

Now you've said it 3 times in a row.

and hopefully compatible with everything else I already have.

You're lucky if you can keep your DVD writer.

something that could be used to go dual monitor

GeForce 8800GT or Radeon 3850 for games, something lower-end if it's too expensive.

do I have to change OS's?

No, unless you want to run in 64-bit mode which is completely useless atm.

Is there a free upgrade from xp32 to xp64?

No, and if you go 64-bit, go Vista, there's no future in XP64. Even then 64-bit is atm useless for audio since shitloads of companies haven't written drivers.

And are there problems with 32bit applications on 64bit machine or does it notmatter?

The problem is that you can't use your full 4gb, only 3.5 depending on graphics card memory size.

but I've heard amd is better for desktops?

Core 2 Duo at the moment is king.

ok so I read that

Stop doing this and read first, comprehend, then post.


jesus christ stop typing

1) Choose AMD or Intel (Intel)

2) Choose motherboard (something decent, Asus or Gigabyte)

3) the rest will fall into place


Don't go AMD athalon for remixing. They are generally poor at multitasking. Go with an intel, best choice being a duo core. Some programs can run everything off 1 of the processors and leave the other processor free for other apps, which is really useful.


Ok well I think I am going to wait. I just found out about hard drive cables and how my hard drive is incompatible. How am I supposed to copy everything from my current drive to my new drive if I can't connect them both to the same motherboard? Or do I have to reinstall every little ****ing vst I have collected over the past few months? Thanks

I just found out about hard drive cables and how my hard drive is incompatible.

There are PATA PCI cards.

How am I supposed to copy everything from my current drive to my new drive if I can't connect them both to the same motherboard?

Not, because Windows bases its registration info on the motherboard. Change mobo = Windows no workie.

Or do I have to reinstall every little ****ing vst I have collected over the past few months? Thanks

Most of the smaller free ones don't need install, just copy the DLL file to the right folder. Payware needs reinstall, as you need to confirm the serial number/other protection.

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