BluefoxIcy Posted December 30, 2007 Posted December 30, 2007 I'm getting tired of continuous abuse in the IRC channel, and nobody seems to care. So here's a post on the forums. First of course, would be F4T4L banning me for no reason. ---- <bluefox> what the crap? in paper mario I didn't do anything CHAPTER 6 *jingle plays* and i just left the screen up IT STARTS PLAYING THE ORIGINAL SMB THEME IS THE GAME BORED? <-- Rehevkor has quit (Quit: If you can read this, I am already eating your kidneys.) <DjSammyG> MAYBE or did you find that thing that makes you make the original NES sounds <bluefox> no, it's in the chapter screen the white screen with the shadow image of the boss --- ChanServ sets channel limit to 92 <DjSammyG> NO U <+Bahamut> I'm convinced sammy is drunk your new name is DrunkSammyG <DjSammyG> dude I'm not drunk And I'm pretty much usually like this :3 <+Bahamut> I don't recall you being like this a half an year back <Eiyoko> Hey <+Bahamut> <Eiyoko> That's my emote Give it back <+bustatunez> >) is mine <DjSammyG> Well whatevvaaa is mine forever <+bustatunez> >) is a very very useful emote <Eiyoko> You meanie! /pout <DjSammyG> also :3 <+starla> haha --> MiamiGuy|Away ( has joined #OCRemix <+bustatunez> for example: >) * Eiyoko cries. <+Bahamut> what is :3 anyway? <+bustatunez> >:(all of bahamut's hopes and dreams) >) <+Bahamut> asshole <+bustatunez> hooh haah haaa <+Bahamut> PANDA <MiamiGuy|Away> :3 is the nyoro~n face <+bustatunez> (that's also my trademarked laugh) <+Bahamut> I just stole your trademark randomness <DjSammyG> what --- ChanServ sets channel limit to 93 <+bustatunez> yeah, well, whatever. I'm sniffing an empty pack of juicyfruit, so there. <+Bahamut> you would toucan sam <+bustatunez> haha I just never understood... why that was so funny or why it has lasted this long <+starla> bustatunez you have been eating juicyfruit all day <+Bahamut> I have no clue either <+bustatunez> I'm watching my figure :\ <+starla> hahah <+Bahamut> lol you're a skinny fuck <Atma> baha thanks for the ref <DjSammyG> ahahahaha <MiamiGuy|Away> juicy fruit has 1000000000000000000000000000000000 calories in each stick <+Bahamut> no prob, although I can't install the stamps software atma <+starla> watching it grow, amirite <+Bahamut> fucking exe doesn't work on a mac <Atma> why not oh mac <+bustatunez> y'know it's weird, I actually gained 15lb the last few months somehow <Atma> lulz <+bustatunez> I don't know where it is, I'm no taller and have less fat than before <+Bahamut> I'll install it when I get home in a little less than a week <+bustatunez> I really must recommend this whole gum-pack-sniffing thing by the way like, I have the pack just kinda clipped onto my nose it's quite intoxicating <+Bahamut> k where's the weed wil <+bustatunez> I mean yeah would you believe I've never smoked or done any drugs ever, including weed? you shouldn't <+Bahamut> not sure <+bustatunez> but it is, in fact, true <MiamiGuy|Away> mom must be so proud <+bustatunez> she thought I was on drugs for a very long time :/ <MiamiGuy|Away> <+Bahamut> lol well, you do live around Philly <+bustatunez> I don't blame her, I talk to myself as well as stuffed pandas <+Bahamut> I like how jill gave you a panda as a facebook present <+bustatunez> and have, like, 14 imaginary friends yaya! y'know I really don't like pandas that much anymore they're too scheisty <MiamiGuy|Away> scheisty? <@zircon> lol <+bustatunez> conniving little gits it's just, I got really lonely and isolated after middle school so the last thing my parents really knew about me was my 7th grade panda obsession so each year for my birthday they'd just get me more pandas I have like 10 pandas <+Bahamut> haha I used to have a panda obsession too and my parents have got me like 5 or something like that <+bustatunez> wtf am I gonna do with all this shit, and who the hell buys a stuffed panda for a 4th year college student that's what I'd like to know whatev <MiamiGuy|Away> i never was into stuffed animals though my parents bought me a tigger at disney world when i was little and i still have it to this day it's pretty cool lookin <+bustatunez> well tigger's the man though <MiamiGuy|Away> luls. you live in a dorm? roommate walks in and sees all your stuffed pandas? <+bustatunez> well I didn't just have pandas though, I had three tigers and a paddington bear too --> schlort ( has joined #ocremix <+bustatunez> no one ever really thought anything weird of it --- ChanServ sets channel limit to 94 <MiamiGuy|Away> that's even weirder <+bustatunez> meh <MiamiGuy|Away> ehehehe <+bustatunez> we were yalies, everyone had their bizarre little tick <MiamiGuy|Away> well as long as you don't have pink walls it's all good <+Bahamut> I'm sure you could find that somewhere around in a guy's room there <+bustatunez> we had blue walls and glow-in-the-dark fish drawn on so when you turned off the lights, it looked like you were underwater <+CHz> Hot. <+Bahamut> sure you didn't do some acid? <+bustatunez> well we didn't paint/draw it, it was the guys the year before us <+Bahamut> oh <+bustatunez> I might bring my bear to magfest (the cute one) ((not the obnoxious pandas)) <@zircon> anyone know the jamiroquai song Love Foolosophy <+bustatunez> i've only heard time won't wait <@DarkeSword> THIS IS OUT OF CONTROL! <+Bahamut> obnoxious pandas haha <+bustatunez> I think andy's seen the Im afraid to post it in the channel though <+Bahamut> looks like a jigglypuff reject <+bustatunez> rest assured, they are in fact quite obnoxious "15 squishy inches of baaah" sounds like a spam email I might've gotten <+Bahamut> haha <@zircon> rofl did you guys hear about that dog blowup doll thing sex toy for dogs :/ <+Bahamut> ? <Monobrow> lol <+Bahamut> wtf? <+bustatunez> oh wow <+Bahamut> Real Dog Doll? (.com) <@zircon> looks like modern art <+bustatunez> I'm so mad that exists <+Bahamut> lol wow <@zircon> rofl <+Skrypnyk> sex doll for dogs for dogs just let that sink in a bit more <allen> ohok <+bustatunez> i feel like you don't really need to buy anything for that purpose just get like, a tree stump <allen> !vme --- F4T4L gives voice to allen <+bustatunez> no use trying to class it up <Eiyoko> Why does this apple smell like paint... <Upth> also that dog sexdoll story is, like, old. I know someone linked me at least 6 months ago <+bustatunez> simpsons did it --> Larry ( has joined #ocremix --- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Larry ChanServ sets channel limit to 95 <-- skwirl has quit (Quit: I use 640x480) Liontamer has quit (Ping timeout) <Eiyoko> In the state of Washington it is a legal requirement for a driver with criminal intentions to stop his car outside the city and phone the police before proceeding... What's he going to tell them? "Hi, I'm about to rob the bank, mmkay?" <+bustatunez> hehe <+Bahamut> lol <Eiyoko> So then he'd be arrested not just for robbing the bank but also for not phoning the police before he did. <+Bahamut> probably to give an extra excuse to lay a heavier sentence or punishment <Eiyoko> Yeah <+Bahamut> like extra money for the government <+bustatunez> I'd totally be like "Hello officer, I'm about to rob a bank.... mmmbut wheeeeeere?!?! ;);)" --- ChanServ sets channel limit to 93 <+Bahamut> then they'd trace where you called them from <+bustatunez> no, then they'd ask "...why are you talking in a panda voice?" <+Bahamut> lol * Larry is listening to Quinn Fox - Deimos [Music From Mars] (04:41) <Eiyoko> I doubt anyone can get more drunk than this. <+bustatunez> actually that reminds me a lot of Se7en <+Bahamut> lol <+bustatunez> you know what I'm talking about? <+Bahamut> that sounds disgusting <+bustatunez> the sloth guy <+Bahamut> ugh that just reminds me of last friday <Arrowned> Ugh <+Bahamut> when I drank 2 40 ozs in an hour <Arrowned> Se7en freaked me the hell out <+Bahamut> after going to sleep, I woke up 3 times in the night and threw up 3 times <+bustatunez> I would've been freaked out but I had to watch it for music research so it didn't really have the same impact I thought it was pretty good though <-- Zarggg has quit (Quit: Zarggg) <+bustatunez> despite brad pitt whom I dislike <@F4T4L> whom your Oblivion character completely resembles <garian> hi <+bustatunez> are you crazy? ryan looks nothing like him <@F4T4L> LIES! <garian> brad pitt is a delicious peice of meat <+bustatunez> brad pitt's head looks like he got punched in the face from all sides <+Bahamut> your mom is a delicious piece of meat <+bustatunez> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snippe --- ChanServ sets channel limit to 92 <@F4T4L> not too delicous though or garian would have more brothers/sisters <+Bahamut> haha <garian> haha --> schlort_ ( has joined #ocremix --- ChanServ sets channel limit to 93 <-- schlort has quit (Ping timeout) --- schlort_ is now known as schlort <-- DarkeSword has quit (Quit: ) --- F4T4L sets ban on *!* You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (whoops) ---- And his reasoning? ---- <@F4T4L> you seriously believe you were banned for no reason? you truly are retarded <@F4T4L> a culmination of you being a constant dumbass, with no light at the end of the tunnel to be seen. the channel needed a break from your faggotry so I cut you loose. ---- A break from ... wait I wasn't even talking since like 200 lines prior, and nobody was bugged. What the hell is he babbling about?
BluefoxIcy Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 He also has a script designed to kick me if anyone uses !list (because newbies join looking for DCC XSERVERS), though this isn't always on. ------- 25 --> PositronBolt (~PosiBolt@ has joined #ocremix 26 <Mewtation> !list Dec 01 22:58:26 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK MEWTATION!!) -- 26 <Sapphire> haha 33 <Mewtation> !list Dec 01 23:02:33 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK MEWTATION!!) -- 44 <Nienna> !;ost 44 <+tyberius> !list Dec 01 23:02:45 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK TYBERIUS!!) -- 45 --- Topic for #ocremix set by Larry at Sun Nov 25 01:38:24 2007 47 <Arek> !list Dec 01 23:02:47 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK AREK!!) -- 49 <Sapphire> !list 49 <Nienna> !list Dec 01 23:02:49 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK SAPPHIRE!!) -- 50 --- ChanServ sets ban on *!* 51 <+tyberius> !list Dec 01 23:02:51 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK TYBERIUS!!) -- 17 --- Shlock is now known as Shlock|Coding 19 <Nienna> !list Dec 02 15:58:20 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK NIENNA!!) -- 25 <Sapphire> !list 26 * garian slaps rhodry around a bit with native blood Dec 02 15:58:28 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK SAPPHIRE!!) -- 34 <Shlock|Coding> !list 36 <bluefox> Rhodry: where ARE you anyway Dec 02 15:58:37 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK SHLOCK|CODING!!) -- 44 <garian> HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 44 <Sapphire> Everyone gets ONE Dec 02 15:58:47 <-- F4T4L has kicked fivre from #ocremix (fivre YOU CAN THANK YOUR OWN STUPID SELF!! (and bad luck)) -- 13 <garian> fivre isn't xerol 14 <fivre> !list Dec 02 15:59:16 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK FIVRE!!) -- 21 <Changer|Gaming> hey 58 <+Skrypnyk> !list Dec 06 18:18:59 <-- F4T4L has kicked Skrypnyk from #ocremix (Skrypnyk YOU CAN THANK YOUR OWN STUPID SELF!! (and bad luck)) -- 50 <Epo> 59 <fivre> !list Dec 07 00:05:00 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK FIVRE!!) -- 23 <Epo> i'm feeling lucky 24 <Epo> !list Dec 07 00:05:25 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK EPO!!) -- 47 <Arek> list eh? 48 <Arek> !list Dec 07 00:09:49 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK AREK!!) -- 54 <_mack_n_jack> I hate looking forward to tomorrow man 55 <Dyne> !list Dec 07 23:04:57 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK DYNE!!) -- 37 <Emura> Bad time to start reading #ocremix... 16 <+Skrypnyk> !list Dec 07 23:07:17 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK SKRYPNYK!!) -- 07 <@F4T4L> lolol 10 <fivre> !list Dec 08 17:30:11 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK FIVRE!!) -- 40 <bluefox> either A) by overworking something (the joint at the top of the foot, front part this time) 04 <fivre> !list Dec 13 00:18:05 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK FIVRE!!) -- 12 <garian> |-< 19 <fivre> !list Dec 13 03:34:21 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK FIVRE!!) -- 22 --- TO_Work is now known as The_Orichalcon 31 <+DarkCecil13> !list Dec 13 03:34:34 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK DARKCECIL13!!) -- 37 --> JJT ( has joined #ocremix 44 <garian> !list Dec 13 03:34:45 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK GARIAN!!) -- 09 <garian> (raimz) 12 <@The_Orichalcon> Dec 13 03:35:13 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK THE_ORICHALCON!!) -- 40 --- You are now known as bluefox|aikido|silat 53 <garian> !list Dec 13 18:41:55 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK GARIAN!!) -- 55 --- Topic for #ocremix set by Larry at Sun Nov 25 01:38:24 2007 34 <+Skrypnyk> !list Dec 13 18:43:35 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK SKRYPNYK!!) -- 36 <@F4T4L> !gigo !list 36 <IggyBot> !list Dec 13 18:44:38 --- You have been kicked from #ocremix by F4T4L (U CAN THANK IGGYBOT!!) ------- zircon's response? ------- <@zircon> dude i'm on vacation go talk to djp ------- Fair enough. It's a pain to deal with annoying children; and this whole thing is childish, just F4T4L has ops and I don't so I get a beating from it.
BluefoxIcy Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 And of course this one's from a different channel but just to point out, yes, he's really targeting me, F4T4L has a script that randomly responds to anything I say with abusive comments. ----- Dec 24 22:05:37 <bluefox> ... and I am still really fucking insecure about girls Dec 24 22:05:38 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 24 22:05:43 <@Nienna> O.o Dec 24 22:05:48 <@F4T4L> scriptpwnt Dec 26 15:07:59 <bluefox> (compound interest: after year 1 I nearly double; after year 2 I've nearly 3x principle; after year 3 I've got like 5x, etc; I make interest on the whole thing all the way) Dec 26 15:08:18 <@F4T4L> i'm not gonna wait for the script to kick in... "no one cares" Dec 26 21:27:16 <bluefox> should I bring a 1up? Dec 26 21:27:17 <@F4T4L> do you ever go away bluefox? Dec 26 21:27:54 <@MiamiGuy> F4T4L is that you doing that or a script? Dec 26 21:28:25 <bluefox> my sensei says that she thinks parents should respect their children Dec 26 21:28:36 <@F4T4L> script of course Dec 23 18:08:41 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 23 19:37:27 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 23 20:24:35 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 23 20:24:56 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 23 23:01:16 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 24 15:25:47 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 24 21:23:35 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 24 22:05:38 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 24 22:21:34 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 24 23:04:15 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 26 20:50:01 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 26 21:28:56 <@F4T4L> ban bluefox plz Dec 26 22:31:54 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 26 22:54:28 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX Dec 27 22:02:55 <@F4T4L> NO ONE CARES BLUEFOX -----
F4T4L Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 i'm gonna make this short and sweet since I'm not gonna start a flame war with the likes of someone as yourself. next time if you're gonna bring your case to the table, don't omit out the stuff which totally warrants the use of those "Abuse Scripts", and anyone who frequents the OCReMix channel itself knows well enough you're deserving of every kick/ban you receive. You might be able to sway the sympathy vote from a few newbies who have no clue who you are, but for everyone else who has seen you in action, good luck with that. also post the logs of you stalking users like a creepy internet predator while you're at it since you're in the mood to air dirty laundry.
F4T4L Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 oh and one last thing... I'm getting tired of continuous abuse in the IRC channel, and nobody seems to care. So here's a post on the forums. you summed it up perfectly, "nobody seems to care"
DarkCecil13 Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 next time if you're gonna bring your case to the table, don't omit out the stuff which totally warrants the use of those "Abuse Scripts", and anyone who frequents the OCReMix channel itself knows well enough you're deserving of every kick/ban you receive. Abusing users is not the solution. Grow up and learn how to communicate politely, and maybe this issue could be resolved if you matured up. I'd just like to second that F4T4L has a track record of being abusive with the kickban hammer. There has been an inordinate growth in the frequency of kicks by F4T4L recently. Take a look at a analysis of my logs (I'm on 24/7, so these are accurate):
BluefoxIcy Posted December 31, 2007 Author Posted December 31, 2007 Stalking users what the hell? People come into the channels, they say things, I remember the things they say (well, no, I remember details like how old they are or what games they play or what music they listen to or places they went... things they talk about). It's not like I have the police record database and the tracking satellite and I'm driving out and following people home and I'm calling their neighbors on the phone etc etc etc. I suppose you're going to call me a stalker since I know you're Canadian. Sorry I don't know much more, all you do is make rude comments and kickban me. Maybe you'd understand how people remember details about others if you had any friends.
fivre Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 Abusing users is not the solution. Grow up and learn how to communicate politely, and maybe this issue could be resolved if you matured up.I'd just like to second that F4T4L has a track record of being abusive with the kickban hammer. It is for the greater good. Note how he often kicks me.
DarkCecil13 Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 It is for the greater good. Note how he often kicks me. Channel operators should rule based on popular opinion, not petty personal problems. F4T4L takes things personally and kicks people because he feels offended or what have you. Bluefox is in no way a nuisance to the channel more than anyone else is. F4T4L is singling him out.
F4T4L Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 Channel operators should rule based on popular opinion, not petty personal problems. F4T4L takes things personally and kicks people because he feels offended or what have you. Bluefox is in no way a nuisance to the channel more than anyone else is. F4T4L is singling him out. what a load of horseshit THAT is, I get complaints constantly from users to do something about bluefox because he is a constant nuisance. also take note of how many kicks in that list were likely as a result of people doing "!suicide" and kicking themselves on purpose.
Skrypnyk Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 21 <Changer|Gaming> hey58 <+Skrypnyk> !list Dec 06 18:18:59 <-- F4T4L has kicked Skrypnyk from #ocremix (Skrypnyk YOU CAN THANK YOUR OWN STUPID SELF!! (and bad luck)) oh, and I have nothing really to contribute to the current topic.
Ramaniscence Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 First off: A kick is just a kick, and it's not a ban. Kick's are usually harmless and you, more often than not, know why you're getting kicked. I'm not going to say all F4T4L's kicks are completely justified. I'm not going to say all MY kicks are completely justified, but I am going to say that I'm positive no one's ever lost sleep after getting kicked from an IRC channel, especially since almost ALL of us have auto-rejoin on kick. Second off: I'm not going to scrutinize every time F4T4L has banned someone, or every time bluefox has been banned. F4T4L has been an op for a LONG TIME and he's more than familiar how things go around here. If he wanted to hold a personal grudge against someone I'm sure we'd see a LOT more abuse than what we see right now. I ASSURE you. Bans that go out now are normally only 2 or 3 seconds at a time, and are usually a joke anyway. Let's not all get out feelings hurt over something so trivial. Trust me, I've been banned from #ocremix for longer for less. Third off: bluefox has a history. He has a LONG LIST of warnings from a number of operators. The fact that F4T4L happens to be the one taking action now is just a coincidence. General example of bluefox conversation goes as follows: 16:45] <Rhodry> holy crap these directions [16:45] <Rhodry> Take exit 254 toward Airport/US-441/Orange Blossom TR/Bee Line Expy/US-92/US-17/SR-528 Toll [16:46] <Rhodry> It's like, "This exit goes EVERYWHERE!" [16:47] <bluefox> >_> [16:47] <fivre> I like the ones that tell me to go down a culdesac and then back out [16:47] <Rhodry> I have never seen that. [16:47] <Rhodry> Although I do it all the time delivering pizza. [16:51] <fivre> arrgh [16:51] <fivre> stupid broken avi [16:52] <bluefox> somehow I think Rhodry's planning on delivering sausage if he comes my way [16:54] * Eon_Blue ( has joined #ocremix [16:55] <bluefox> ... ironically I like pepperoni and sausage pizza o.o [16:55] <bluefox> ... mom says she doesn't want mice shitting in the toaster [16:56] <bluefox> how the fuck... [16:56] <fivre> you shouldn't either [16:57] * +GSlicer ( Quit (Ping timeout) [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Hey [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> So [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Rhodry is in Orlando [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Also: [16:58] <@Ramaniscence> Those are like...1 road * Looking up Rhodry user info... [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> I mean [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> Assuming that's Orlando [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> 528 is 441 is Semeron DR, which the airport is on [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> Which I also live on [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> Semoran? [16:59] <@Ramaniscence> I don't know how you spell it [17:00] * metaphist ( has joined #ocremix [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> But yea they weren't really planning on Orlando getting as big as it is [17:01] * Nienna-sleepies is now known as Nienna [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> So every road is like 8 different roads converged [17:01] <bluefox> Orlando? He said he lives in Texas [17:01] <bluefox> how the hell is Texas in Orlando? [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> Melbourne [17:01] <@Ramaniscence> Is Florida [17:01] <bluefox> no shit. [17:01] <bluefox> it's on the east coast [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> Houston to Melbourne obviously means he's driving through Orlando [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> Because I know Orlando's roads [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> And he SAID he's going to Melbourne [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> So where's your point? [17:02] <bluefox> Melbourn looks like it's actually on the beach [17:02] <@Ramaniscence> ... You'll notice how bluefox injects his "sausage" comment so that, if anyone in the channel didn't know already, you GET that he's gay. Incidentally everyone in the channel already knows, so he's just regurgitating information for the umpteenth time. He THEN goes on to try to dispute what I was saying having not read what Rhodry was saying at all, and then completely changing the subject when he realizes what he's done. Again: bluefox knows what he's done, and other ops know what he's done. FINAL THOUGHT: If bluefox wanted his argument to be taken seriously he'd talk directly to the people he needs to to get it resolved: DJP and the other ops in #ocremix. If his cries went unanswered there than you'd know why right there. The other ops are all regulars i #ocremix, they know what goes on in #ocremix, and if they feel that bluefox was rightfully banned, than that's how it stands. If they feel he was NOT, then he'll be UNBANNED. This thread was entirely unnecessary.
Bahamut Posted December 31, 2007 Posted December 31, 2007 Keep in mind, complaints about actions by someone on staff regarding usage go by PMing, emailing, IMing, etc. other members of moderation on staff. They have no place on the forums.
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