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  1. Chrono Cross all the way. I'm drooling already
  2. I would LOVE a DKC2 remix project, so you've got my best wishes for the project. Let it be true!
  3. The answer to your problem is really very simple. The MIDI-specs define this thing called a Program Change. (Often called Patches, at least when dealing with GM or soundfonts). Most midi-keyboards already have buttons to select various the various programs (instruments) available, and FL responds to that out of the box, no extra automation or mapping is needed. If your keyboard is programmable, you will probably be able to make the buttons send program changes to predefined programs as well, so that you won't have to go through several programs to find the one you want. wow, I hadn't realised before, but what you're saying is true. It works a bit awkwardly ( I have 10 selection buttons and they work as 4 only), but it works. thx!
  4. I know how to split by using the layer thingy, but it's not what I'm looking for. What I want to do is to be able to switch between instruments by just pressing a button in my keyboard. I've seen people do it in live performances, and it should be feasible, I mena, the buttons generate a midi CC signal, but the thing is that instrument selection doesn't seem to be automatable nor mappable in FL nor Reason...
  5. Is there any way of controlling which instrument is being played by my midi controller with some selection buttons on the front of my controller? This is so that I can quickly change, from example, from strings to piano and not having to go get the mouse and aim at the midi in selector in a live performance.... PD:yay goomba ^^
  6. Is there any way of controlling which instrument is being played by my midi controller with some selection buttons on the front of my controller? This is so that I can quickly change, from example, from strings to piano and not having to go get the mouse and aim at the midi in selector in a live performance....
  7. love it. I actually played this on Stepmania with some awesome steps before I realised this song was on OCRemix XD. Love the Daft Punk feel, being a DP fan. Keep up the good work!
  8. Yeah, yer gonna have a harder time at it than a kid would. It's a pretty difficult instrument. But don't let that discourage you if you're serious. It's considered by some the most difficult instrument to master and when beginning, it takes time to be able to play even the simplest of things
  9. I can't seem to find that plugin in Tobybear's site nor in KvR. What I managed to find is a plugin called cc mapper but it's only available as a bundled plugin in Minihost. Is it the same plugin?
  10. my "keyboard" is a casio privia, whose cc channels i had to find out by myself because the casio people haven't a clue as to the workings of their keyboards. Sorry for the weird style, but it just came out of me
  11. Ok just tried the MFX wrapper and FL Studio doesn't even recognise it as a VST, so crap. Do you know of any VST/DX thingy that will allow me to map a CCxx from my midi input device to a CCyy (where xx and yy are channel numbers ). For example when I play a key instead of sending the "velocity" signal, sending for example the "pitch wheel" signal or controlling a filter cutoff and such.
  12. crap thx anyways for the response
  13. Ok ppl I really need ur help. I found a plugin that would be really useful for me and fits like a glove in my current project, but it's a MFX plugin and I'm currently using FL Studio. Is there any possible way to use it? Wrapper? Convertor?
  14. try moving the plugins to the steinberg/vst plugins directory
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