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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Caleb Winters
  • Location
    Muncie, IN
  • Occupation
    Student, Graphic Designer


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills

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  1. Yay, I'm glad to hear more from Jillian, good collab, good piece.
  2. requisite "omg small world" remark. herp derp, etc

  3. This is my personal favorite track on the album, I think. Pretty much sums up everything the album is about in one piece. Good work.
  4. Just checked the bio file. Totally my fault, I just forgot to add it to the artists page. I don't know how I missed you. I'm so sorry. Should be an easy fix though!
  5. I dig this album, thanks for making it.
  6. Anyone else suffering from blue balls right about now?
  7. Release is tomorrow! GET HYPE!
  8. Maybe skype for a listening party? That would be lame for the sound though. There's gotta be some kind of music streaming chat service or something.
  9. Wow, really great improvement! I'd like to cede my artwork credit to Mirby, please. I'm particularly a fan of the 2nd one. Can I get a print of that?
  10. Lol! Stealing was fun. I was dissapointed you couldn't steal in OoA/OoS.
  11. I don't know about you, but when I played the game I was always Caleb.
  12. Started stuff for art on the project forum, look at it if you want. More will be coming.
  13. 1440x900? I'm pretty sure that's not a standard resolution, I've never even heard of it. Sorry though!
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