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  • Real Name
    Luis Alonso
  • Location
    New York, NY
  • Occupation
    College Student

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  1. You should add Church/ Sanctuary from A Link to the Past. It such a simple piece, but very powerful at the same time.
  2. I was going through my Twitter when I noticed Harmony of Heroes retweeting the Annual Game Music Awards 2014 nomination. My first instinct was to go to OverClocked Remix and see if there was a thread on this topic. Color me surprised when I did not find something of the sort. So here's the link to the nominations http://www.vgmonline.net/awards2014nominations/ What do you guys think of the nominees? I also noticed some prominent OC Remixers on the list too for independent contributions, so I was a little excited about that as well. Help spread the word on this!
  3. Unfortunately, I was, once again, unable to complete the stream (Stood up for 9 hours rather than 16 this time T_T This could be linked to a multitude of factors. 1. Doing a 9 hour Speed Run before a 24 Hour Stream. That was really irresponsible of me, but I earnestly thought I could pull it off. If I did, I would have stood up for about 38 hours, or pulling off a 1 and a half day "Marathon" (since the other did not count). 2. Streaming late at night. Ideally I would want to stream late at night, so that I could go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning, but let's face it: How many people are going to start a solo marathon 12 hours after they awoken? Besides, I ended sleeping at 9; woke up at 2. That's 5 hours of sleep for someone who stood awake for 23 hours... I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. However, I won't just simply abandon this. I consider it postponed, rather. It was still pretty successful at the first third (with a peak viewership of 126) and many of the people in the stream can comment on how fun it was. It was pretty darn fun for myself as well, and the music that went on was awesome. Discussing these remixes with others was also pretty nifty, despite my musical inexperience. I'll probably try again in Thanksgiving. With what I learned, I'm sure that I'll make this next stream even more successful than the last. I'll update more on when and what I'll be streaming. Thank you guys for your support during this marathon, and I apologize for being unable to see things through to the end. (Goddamn Kratos ruining the All Bosses run XD)
  4. One Hour Remaining!!! I think I did a good job at the overlay. I am pretty pumped for this
  5. Well guys, tomorrow is the big day. I hope to do OC Remix and its amazing community justice with my marathon. Hopefully, a few more people will know of the fantastic work everyone brings to this website.
  6. Does anybody know where I can get OC Remix Icons and logos to decorate my stream? If I'm gonna be promoting OC Remix in a marathon, I need to bombard my audience with as much OC Remix paraphernalia as humanly possible. By icons and logos I mean like backgroundless pics that I could paste at the corners of my stream, or plaster at a large black area of the screen.
  7. @Arrow If you're coming to me for speed runs of Skyward Sword, I appreciate the views, but highly HIGHLY suggest Tenderhearted. He has the JPN World Record for Skyward Sword at an astonishing 5 hours 26 minutes and 07 seconds. He is actually about 5 minutes ahead of the second best time of 5:31:40 by Tlozsr. I have WR for Normal Mode (if only because I can endure such tediously long speedruns), but my run can easily be demolished. I'm hoping that, with enough practice, I can destroy my time by about 30 minutes. For more information on Zelda speedruns, please visit http://zeldaspeedruns.com/leaderboards @Brandon Strader Well, I could if I want to Kappa I actually have 3 days worth of OC Remixes on my iTunes, so some of yours may (or may not) make the cut. I plan on playing the OC Remixes randomly to ensure that Remixers all get a fair chance at getting one of their songs heard. Of course, someone with more songs, like you (I have 17 of your songs) have a better chance than let say PriZm (I have 7 of his songs)...So yeah... Also, that would be such an awesome idea Unfortunately, I can't really have Skype on while playing Wii or GCN games on Xsplit, as it causes lag, so it probably would be better to do interviews of that caliber on the Pokemon Emerald speedrun (VBA doesn't take too much CPU, so I can run more things). I could also ask some of my chat to donate questions for the interviews too, and I'm gonna be particularly bust this week testing out new controllers so that really does seem like a stellar idea. @The Legendary Zoltan So a couple of hours ago I tried (and failed) to do an All Bosses Speed Run of Tales of Symphonia...died to Yuan and Botta nearly 5 hours into the run. Can't have that happen in the Marathon, now can I? I also plan on doing a Mania 1/2 EXP race with the WR holder of Tales of Symphonia NG+, Greenmittenz, on Saturday (hopefully) and cutscene% (watch all the cutscenes and listen to all the dialogue) on Sunday, so you have ample opportunity before Monday to catch on of my Tales runs before the Marathon. I'll most definitely take your advice for the 24 Hour Marathon, though the longest I stayed up for was 28 after my failed 300% of Twilight Princess (only managed to get 200% done...CURSE YOU BODY D:). Thanks for your support
  8. YOSH! I can proudly announce the games I plan on speed running during the OverClocked Marathon. Tales of Symphonia (NG All Bosses) Time Estimate: 10-12 hours. A relatively new speed running category where the goal is to defeat all the bosses in the game, including optional bosses. Which means certain sidequest will need to be completed, and bosses like Maxwell AND Abyssion will be fought. Get hyped for the Abyssion battle, but remember. It's not gonna be like you expect The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword(Normal Mode Any%) Time Estimate:7-9 hours. I currently hold the world record for the (obscure and totally psychotic) Normal Mode category (8:54:47) However, I am heavily rusty, so this would most definitely be a derusting run. I will work my hardest to beat my World Record, however and entertain you guys with interesting and nifty Skyward Sword glitches. Pokémon Emerald (Any% No Save & Quit) Time Estimate: 3.5 (Depending on RNG). This game just trolls me in terms of RNG. It's so bad, yet I cannot stop playing it. Three major reset points: Getting the starter (Mudkip, 13 Atk, 11 Sp. Atk, 9 Spd), Getting Abra, and the Rival 2 fight. If I can get passed these three points (and not get trolled by Wallace RNG), then I have a run going. Total Time Estimate for all Speedrun games: 20.5-24.5 hours. If I manage to beat all the speedruns before the 24 hour time limit, I will do some Master Sword runs of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in preparation for my eventual foray into ALttP speedrunning. If you have any questions pertaining to what exactly I'll be doing during this Marathon, please let me know. Otherwise, I'd like your thoughts on the roster of games available.
  9. Thanks DarkeSword I've actually been using OCRemix for a very long time. Just learning this is like taking a Wake-Up Slap from Jigglypuff. I'll go edit the thread later to rectify the error. On another note, I've just recently created an offline picture for my Twitch account to promote the Marathon. It's a generic 720p pic of the OC Remix logo on black background. I downloaded the font and used it to include the day and time of the Marathon, as well as the website hosting it (my channel obviously). I wanted some feedback on the picture. Should I add more info? Less? Make fonts bigger? Smaller? Also, if anyone wants to make an offline pic or other media to promote the Marathon feel free to let me know. I'll be more than happy to take the assistance. Here's the pic: http://imgur.com/O1xtBf3
  10. Hey Guys! Blackrazgriz here. It's been a while since I've made a thread here, but real life has pretty much disrupted my internet activities for quite some time (close to 10 months actually). Anyways, I'm here to talk to you about this stream idea I've had. Well, its not actually an idea, since I've already implemented it in the past before. However, I'd like to make this an annual (or even biannual) event. I call it the OverClocked Marathon. OverClocked Marathon is actually not like traditional stream marathons. It's being planned to take place at October 7, 2013 (on a Monday), since I have a vacation from class. The goal (for now at the very least) is a 24 hour stream by yours truly designed purely for the promotion of OC Remixes. I'll be streaming speedruns and casual playthrough of various games while playing OC Remixes for 24 hours straight. Pretty straightforward, but definitely worthwhile. I've actually done something like this before and promoted it in the OCR forums. But that was back then, when I was a scrub streamer. Now, with 1301 followers (as of September 21, 2013), a total lifetime viewership of 87,152 (as of September 21, 2013), and a peak concurrent viewership of 350, I have officially wiped my hands clean of the newb that plagued me and successfully entered the "big leagues." I am by no means a Cosmowright or Siglemic (for those of you who are active stream/ speedrun watchers). But with my progress in terms of viewership over the last couple of months, I feel that an event of this caliber will only help bolster OCR's reputation to a newer demographic of audience. Believe it or not, there are actually people who come to my stream and are fascinated by the music they listen to for my intro and outro. Of course, this fact should come as evident for anyone that uses common sense, but to me its appalling how there are people out there in this world who are not graced by the talents of the amazing team that make up OC Remix. As a speedrunner, I plan on playing games that I actually speedrun. As such, I plan on hosting games like Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Phantasia, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Pokémon Emerald. That's right: I primarily focus on "Tales of", Zelda, and Pokémon speed running. For instance, I have a pretty competent time in Pokémon Emerald and is actually aiming for the World Record at the moment. I plan on focusing on Symphonia and Twilight Princess for the marathon. If its not feasible for me to acquire a copy of Twilight Princess by October 7, I'll work on getting a Wii Remote Plus for Skyward Sword instead. Symphonia and Skyward Sword are pretty bulky games (especially Skyward Sword Normal Mode) so those will undoubtedly take up the larger portion of the marathon. As time moves on, I'll let you know on the state of the marathon games. One other thing. This 24 hour cast is NOT going to fail 16 hours in like last time. Whether I like it or not, I will be breaking that 24 hour mark (maybe even more depending on the game I'm running). I have done 28 hours before after doing a 200% Twilight Princess run (2 100% runs back to back), so I do have the capability. I just need to be in the mindset (and drink plenty of caffeine prior to and during the run). If you have comments, ideas, or questions on the Marathon, please feel free to discuss in this thread. I'm very happy to share my ideas here and I do hope that this marathon is a success in the future. For more information about myself as a streamer, please visit my twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/blackrazgriz.
  11. For the day when TheGuitahHeroe single-handedly releases the entire remixed album for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Mystery Team. Fingers crossed. Very well done. A little short for my tastes, but 'Run Away' is an excellent piece in itself, and this remix does it justice. Speaking of which, is 'Run Away' related to songs like 'Temporal Tower' and 'Primal Dialga Battle'?
  12. Yeah there is a way that music could be this good without money. It's called OCRemix.
  13. This piece resembles the source material too much. It certainly would not get the green light to go and become an OCRemix. You need to put your own twist to it, add your own ideas along with the source music and make it into something truly original and unique. Using different instruments worked fine years ago, but today remixes submitted to OCRemix require it to be unique from the source. So add your own taste to Shadowy Woods man. That being said, the remix was pretty good. I enjoyed listening to it as an avid Tales fan. Orchestration was done well, indeed. But, I am no expert in music. I can't tell you about specifics when it comes to this remix.
  14. Holy guacamole!!! You guys already have 85K. Damn
  15. Actually, I could no longer keep it up. After 16 hours, my body started to fail me, I was getting migranes, and standing up depleted me of all my energy. I don't think I'll do another 24 hour cast, but I can definitely do speedruns dedicated to OCRemixes Anyways, thanks for the support guys, especially if you were there.
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