In most respects, good work on this. It's got a pleasant melody to listen to, interesting beat nicely concealed so as not to destroy the ears, then the guitar kicks in to follow through with the next section with a pleasant choir echoing through to add the next bit of happiness to it. A wonderful piece altogether.
The only bad thing I have to say is that the echo from the acoustic guitar that happens a second or two later kind of grates on my nerves while using headphones, but otherwise it is generally unheard (and these earphones are rather uncomfortable.
Now for a personal anecdote:
I've methodically gone through, downloading each and every remix on this site and stuffing it on my playlist. I set it to permanent shuffle, and as this song came on, I was duly confused. K-PAX's Grand Central had played just beforehand, and I wondered what it was doing playing twice. Quite the similar piece up until about 2:15 or so.