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  • Location
    Texas, USA
  • Occupation
    College Student and Doctor assistant

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  1. Hi, I think I'm in the right forum. I apologize if I'm not. I was wondering what kind of subgenre is Kimiko Itoh's "Follow me" and "River of Crystals". I'm trying to find songs like them but I can't find them at all. I think I'm looking at the wrong place. Haha. Any help is much appreciated!
  2. Oh. My. Gosh!!! When FFVII came out, I've been waiting for FFVI to come out. My two most favorite FF in the series!! I love it. The Prologue just BLEW MY MIND! Still listen to the rest. LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work!!
  3. Ah, it is always a pleasure to hear music from DaleNorth! We don't see a lot of mixes from the old crowd. I miss hearing mixes from Evan Pattison, Jared Hudson and Starblast amongst others. Great arrangement!
  4. I just can't express how beautiful this song is. I really touches the heart!
  5. Finally!!! I've been waiting forever. Thanks a bunch
  6. It's been a while since I have heard a FF remix from Robson. And as usual, along with newcomer Oren, it just blows me away. Both did a tremendous job of bringing out the very best of "Dancing Mad".
  7. Superb remix. Blew me away when I saw THE Jeremy Soule had remixed one of my favorite tracks. I hope to see more work from him.
  8. VERY NICE!!! I love it. I don't recognize the original piece though. What was the name of the track that you used? Hope to see a new mix soon.
  9. Okay. I would like to say... WOW. That was AWESOME. It was one of the greatest piece I have ever heard. HONESTLY. THAT was talent. Keep 'em comin.
  10. That was great. I love your work. I don't know how you do it, but keep 'em coming. I'll be watching out for them.
  11. WONDERFUL!!! I love everything about this mix. The quite and soft feeling of it, yet the power of each instruments. LOVE IT!
  12. Why isn't there anymore mixes??? I hope to hear more. I love the piano and your mix really was something. I listen to it again and again and again... believe me or not, it's true.
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