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  • Real Name
    Dean Park
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Teacher / Customer Services Advisor / Burger King Supervisor / Web Developer

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration

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  1. Oh god this is amazing, need this in my life!
  2. Thanks guys Good to hear positive feedback. @Chris | Ameratsu - will attempt to implement the improvements you have suggested. I'll post a new version up sometime soon hopefully.
  3. Hi all, I've actually had this a while but I think it almost sounds good enough to submit (which would be awesome, been my dream to be on here for 10 years now.) My main issue is that I don't know where to go from here - If there are any tweaks or improvements please let me know; the result of your ears judgement is totally appreciated. Much love, Deanypants
  4. Hi guys, This is a ReMix of Lava Powerhouse from Sonic Spinball (Mega Drive/Genesis) called Heart of Magma. It's a work in progress and requires some work but I'm a little stumped as to what. Please give it a listen. It is intended to have lyrics so follows a verse-chorus kinda structure. Thanx.
  5. Sorry about that! I just checked the first post is all. I've updated my WIP though so we'll see... It may still be open.
  6. Hi there, Have sent Fishy a PM with an audition track to hopefully claim Bran Bal. Such a rich source, can't believe it's not claimed yet.
  7. Hi there! Recently, I've been teaching Web Design and in such weirdness, taught Flash using a Sonic and Katy Perry Site (the students figured I like both). So, I bring you the logical musical conclusion - http://www.goear.com/listen/fe74592/I-Kissed-A-Girl-%28Marble-Mix%29-Spunodi-%28Katy-Perry-vs.-Sega%29 Is it worth continuing for more than a laugh? Feedback appreciated.
  8. Theme of a Tragedic Revenge please I have loved that tune forever If I'm feeling funky and find a magic vocoder then I also has ideas for vocals. Can't seem to PM on this machine and internets off till next week (payday) but I rea-ea-eally would like to be a part of this. Also, I has no work on this site (but its on my bucket list to do so) but I has various works floating around somewhere - will collate links of my current level of ability and send to you next week. Some of my early mixes are still around and somewhat embarrasing looking back.
  9. Hi there! Can I claim Starlight Zone? I did have a mix which I'd like to rework for the project. It was called StArZ and is on some Russian site somewhere (was on VGMix 2.0) - will link you to it when I'm properly online again (next month). One question - will you also be including the game gear tracks? I do have a Bridge Zone mix which I could also rework. But of course, as long as I has dibs on Starlight I'm a happy bunnyface.
  10. Hi all! Been a while since I posted something. You may recognise this mix from ReMix ThaSauce some time ago - well, I've been out of practice recently what with real life getting in the way but finally I got back to it and can hopefully give you guys a much better version. http://www.goear.com/listen/b3d8ec1/Submerged-Spunodi Feedback mucho appreciated - Is this ready to be submitted to the Judges? Please let me know o wonderful OCReMix community
  11. You really went to town on the Jungle theme I like this track immensely hence I've logged in for the first time in ages to comment. The sounds and instruments chosen are great - the mix is very well arranged with just enough variety to stop repetitive listening injury (RLI) occurring. I don't really have any more feedback than that really and it is probably best for some of the more trained ears out there to give a better opinion but to me this sounds ready for submission already. You seem disappointed at the ending, but it seems to work for me. I like very much - is nice!
  12. Yes, kinda. I work at Blackpool and the Fylde College (UK) and we offer a FdSc. Game Design and Development course accredited by Lancaster University. We have written the course with input from contacts at Rare and Microsoft amongst others and so have been mindful of industry perceptions and needs. Having spoken myself to Nick Burton (who has a Computer Science degree) I understand the main perception of many of these courses is the "Jack of all trades, master of none" approach, of which David Braben is a very outspoken critic. We have taken the approach of offering a foundation degree with a gaming focus to allow students to gain experience in both Design and Development along with vocational skills, yet understand this does not cover either in depth. Hence, progression from this course will be on to either a BSc. Interactive Media (currently being written) or a BSc. Computer Science - hence allowing students to specialise before graduation. This seems to be the sensible approach and therefore students will graduate with specialist skills valuable to the industry plus also knowledge of the industry itself and the various disciplines. Of course, a portfolio is the most desirable thing to a developer and our courses will give students the skills necessary to create one with sufficient competence. Advert over, but please remember that some institutions do offer value and I am sure there are others, it is unfortunate that there are many "Jack of all trades, master of none" game degrees available which tarnish this. The best course of action is investigation.
  13. Fixed. Couldn't resist - been coding all day.
  14. Hi - this WIP has forced me to emerge from lurkdom, damn you! I'm currently listening to this (English Version) through laptop speakers so to comment on production issues would be unwise until my mega headphones of great audio quality are applied to this, however, as far as the arrangement goes I am very happy. It is a bit of a strange mix of styles, very OCReMix. I really like it though and think the arrangement hangs together well. Perhaps the length should be shortened somewhat as it becomes a little repetitive towards the end. Nice ReMix!
  15. I too would like to wish NEEDS TO STOP a very happy birthday and look forward to many future contributions from NEEDS TO STOP to this community.
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