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  1. Waka Waka. I'm super stoked for this game, you guys!
  2. While I didn't actually know about the comic beforehand, I started checking out remixes on the site somewhere around 1999 or 2000. I used to check out midis on VGMusic, then decided to look up remixes and ended up finding OCR almost straightaway. One of the best decisions I've ever made.
  3. I'd just like to point out that that video might be fake, but quantum levitation is indeed a real thing and could easily be used to make such a setup. Check it out!
  4. If there's one thing I regret, it's not hanging out with you guys as much as I should have. I met a few of you, and that was super-cool, but I didn't really hang out. I guess I'm a lurker in real life like I'm a lurker here in the forums, or maybe being my first MAGfest I was just crazy-overwhelmed. Whatever the case, if I go again next year, I'm gonna force myself to meet more of you guys. If there's another thing I regret it's that I missed the OCU show. Somehow I got times mixed up and didn't get there until everyone was packing stuff up.
  5. Well, I'm already sick and MAGfest hasn't even started. I have such great luck.... I'm hoping it'll run it's course in the next couple days. I'll be bringing a copy of Project M as well, just in case. You can add me to GroupMe too.
  6. I watch Game Grumps fairly regularly too. Others that I haven't seen mentioned (but sorry if I've just missed them) are The Game Theorists, and the three separate channels of Vsauce: Vsauce, Vsauce2, and Vsauce3, though they're not specifically game-related.
  7. I've not been bored with any Pokémon game, honestly. Hoenn would probably be my least favorite of the six, though. At this point I'm looking for more safaris, and people who want to do rotation battles with me. 0232-8252-8549 is my friend code. My safari is steel with Skarmory, Ferroseed and Bronzong.
  8. Another oldbie here. While I didn't find OCR through it, the comic was still in full swing during the time. Like many of the stories before me, I had been checking out midis on VGmusic for a while before I realized people were making music in MP3 format (which was pretty new to me at the time too). I think the first thing I found was a non-OCR Super Mario techno or dance mix. I loved it and immediately started searching for more. Luckily I stumbled upon OCR and I've been lurking around ever since.
  9. It's not a set of keys.... it's a pokémon that holds your keys. Or maybe it takes them and that's what happens to your keys when you lose them. Either way, it's rather adorable. =P
  10. Frankly, I'm quite pleased with Chesnaught. Cool name, and it's obviously based on a Glyptodon--yet again keeping the grass starter prehistoric. That makes me happy. The whole RPG class triad is a pretty cool concept, though Frogue would have been a far better name for Greninja, in my opinion. Still, these three are alright with me.
  11. Still can't beat Magcargo, whose 18,000 degree (fahrenheit) temperature is only matched by lightning and white dwarf stars.
  12. I think I remember something like this.... If I recall correctly it wasn't the exact song, but a very similar sound-alike, which happens quite often. I do know that they originally wanted to use an already established song for the original Zelda overworld though, so there may still be something to this.
  13. A little late to the party here, but I made my own version of the OCR shirt as my first design and thought I'd share it:
  14. I was and am very pleased with the Brawl roster. Mewtwo and Roy being excluded and not having a Dr. Mario costume for Mario was a bit of a bummer though. If it was up to me, I'd probably keep most of the lineup from Brawl. Ike will likely get replaced with some other FE character (probably someone from Awakening), and Lucario will probably be moved over for someone else (possibly Mewtwo again since he's apparently a big deal in X and Y). The one character I'd be happy getting rid of would be R.O.B. I mean, he's not even a game character. If you want a robot, use one of the Ray models from Custom Robo or something. You might as well make "Wii Remote" a character at this point. It's hardware too. =/
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