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Eye of the Beholder II - Introduction (Orchestral) [PCReMix]

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(This ReMix is part of The PCReMix Initiative.)

Greetings, you lovely people!

I've taken a break from arranging my project tracks and started working on an orchestral arrangement of the

from Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon, a classic DOS dungeon-crawler game.

Here's WIP 1.

Update: WIP 2.

Another update: WIP 3.

Near-final version (still needs a little tweaking): WIP 4

Download the final version here: Archangel - The Myth of Darkmoon (Eye of the Beholder II Cover)

The introduction scene to The Legend of Darkmoon has always reminded me of some sort of opening scene for a fantasy film, so I tried to make my track sound like something the film-makers could use in the film's opening.

I'll be following the source's structure, but I think the added instrumentation will be enough for this to pass the panel.

Most of you probably aren't familiar with the game, but I hope you enjoy this track anyway. I'd also appreciate any kind of feedback.

Thanks for listening!


Go PCReMix go! I have played EOB2 (I actually finished it, but I cheated..) but unfortunately, I didn't have a soundcard in my PC at the time, and I can't remember if there was music in the intro on the beeper. (:

Your mix is really deep and dark.. ominous, foreboding. I pretty much agree with Kuolema word to word. Great start! The new music would fit really well to the visuals of the intro!



Thanks a lot, you two! I'm glad you like it!

Go PCReMix go!
Yes yes YES! =D More threads, more threads!
I didn't have a soundcard in my PC at the time, and I can't remember if there was music in the intro on the beeper. (:
I don't think there was a PC-speaker version of the intro. Too bad you didn't have a soundcard, I was always so impressed by this music!

I've worked on the track a bit more, so enjoy the second WIP: WIP 2


I'll be following the source's structure, but I think the added instrumentation will be enough for this to pass the panel.

I notice the piano is mostly original additional writing, and also your pacing of the music is quite different from the original.

The second part, the new part in your WIP 2, sounds good.. but I also felt it got a bit "backgroundy" - good for the film score feel you were going for, but listening, I was feeling I would have liked the added melody be emphasized, brought forwards a little more. I tended to lose focus a bit when listening.

I'm very much looking forward to your version of the final part, the source for it is good, and it'll be exciting to hear how you treat it.


I notice the piano is mostly original additional writing, and also your pacing of the music is quite different from the original.

The second part, the new part in your WIP 2, sounds good.. but I also felt it got a bit "backgroundy" - good for the film score feel you were going for, but listening, I was feeling I would have liked the added melody be emphasized, brought forwards a little more. I tended to lose focus a bit when listening.

Yup, I added the piano in the middle to make it a little more interesting. Without it, it would be extremely boring since I've decided to slow down the tempo of the piece to allow some of the strings to be more expressive.

I definitely agree with making the piano melody a little more prominent. That was actually something that didn't quite sit with me, but I couldn't really put my finger on it until you mentioned it. Thanks a lot!

I've made the change in this new WIP, and I've also added the introduction and most of the final part. It should be done pretty soon. Then I can submit it and spread the PCReMix vibe among the judges as well. =D

Here's the link: WIP 3


  • 2 weeks later...

I listened to the third wip already, but haven't had time to write my thoughts. I thought the final part was a great basis, but didn't quite yet have enough meat - I felt it lacked a lead or some other really ear-catching "center", and was rougher than the previous sections, but I supposed it was meant to be a 'wip' :) I liked the way it was different from the source, very fitting to the rest of the remix so far! Also, I'm *very* happy that my previous feedback was useful!

I'll try to listen to the fourth wip tomorrow and reply. Great to see such quick progress!



Well, I don't know what was wrong with my ears when I listened to the third wip, but the third part certainly doesn't feel rough. (I also compared wip 3 and 4 and you didn't change it that much between them..)

I still do feel a bit like the part is lacking a lead to come in. Around 2:50 mark, a simple string lead does enter, but it's in the background. Perhaps it could be emphasized?

There's plenty of melody in the 3:15-3:55 part, but I still was wishing that something was the definite center melody, perhaps with more articulation/variation. Another thought that I had was it'd be cool if you could tie this part to the previous parts (they're pretty separate in the source) melodically by reintroducing some of the piano melodies from before, but that might not be feasible.

I really like how that part "fades" out at the end. It evokes a sense of yearning.

There's a note from a wind instrument from 03:07-03:10 which sounds out of key and iffy to me.

The big swell around 4:07-4:10 sounds like it suffers from compression. The final swell and coda are in themselves an excellent ending to the arrangement.

I have to say I enjoy the various percussion effects scattered throughout, and some of the similar noises which I assume are strings too. They add so much detail and atmosphere!

Very enjoyable track, and yes it was very cool to hear it in full - and so quickly! Hope this feedback helps, I personally think there's still room for a bit of improvement in the later half, but it's very close to greatness!


Also, I'm *very* happy that my previous feedback was useful!

Of course it was useful! It's always useful to have another pair of ears, so thanks a lot for all your effort with this feedback. It was very thorough.

But before I continue, I have to say that I've just realized I uploaded the wrong version of the new WIP. XD The correct one's pretty much the same, though, except for that compression problem at the end, which you've mentioned.

I still do feel a bit like the part is lacking a lead to come in. Around 2:50 mark, a simple string lead does enter, but it's in the background. Perhaps it could be emphasized?

There's plenty of melody in the 3:15-3:55 part, but I still was wishing that something was the definite center melody, perhaps with more articulation/variation. Another thought that I had was it'd be cool if you could tie this part to the previous parts (they're pretty separate in the source) melodically by reintroducing some of the piano melodies from before, but that might not be feasible.

I completely agree with this. I think the main problem is the fact that I was mixing this with my earphones, and they're pretty boomy. If i listen to the track on my speakers or with my earbuds, I too feel that the leading instruments are not upfront enough.

Not sure if I can do anything about the piano melodies, though, since it's pretty much booked in that part.

There's a note from a wind instrument from 03:07-03:10 which sounds out of key and iffy to me.
I think the note itself is fine, but it might sound a little off because there's a random low rumbling from the double basses at that point (one of the atmospheric symphonic effects I used).

Anyway, thanks again for your tips! I really appreciate it and I'll make sure you get the same level of feedback once you start working on your PCReMixes. =D


Mmm... loving what you've done here, Archangel, particularly the swell that occurs around the 3/4 mark. I also thought you did a good job of keeping the dark, foreboding feeling of the original, while maybe also adding a touch of contemplativeness to the mood.

The only thing I noticed was that I heard one piano note that sounded a touch thin somewhere around the middle on the first play through, but I couldn't find it again when I replayed the song a few times, so it probably was just my speakers acting up.

Overall, very :nicework:. 8)

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