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Sup guys,

Maybe some of you remember this submission. I first finished it in October last year, and had it rejected because of serious production issues and, basically, lack of life in the big sections. The second time, which I finished back in April, I realized I was trying too hard. My sound-field was ridiculously clouded...and I mean RIDICULOUSLY. So, obviously, that one got rejected for production issues again. That really wasn't a surprise to me because I tried exporting it several times and it still continue to sound "terribad."

So, basically, I completely started over. Since April, I've acquired a bunch of new sounds, both percussion instruments and synths, so I put those into effect.

Source: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/kbb-stage1.mid


-Starts off with a little bell riff and bass leading to the 'pick up notes leading to the melody of the source.' (You'll know when you hear it)

-After some vamping, the lead synth comes in (which was made from a mini-moog emulator) and plays the main melody (A). What's nice about that synth was the fact that it allows me to easily control articulation so you'll hear a lot of distinct slurs vs. some staccato-ish notes.

-Then the main groove comes out and a little latin rock groove comes in to formally introduce the source accompanied by some standard progressive trance blips and bloops and a piano.

-At this point, the track kicks off and all of the main introduced components and thrown together along with a countermelody.

-The second half of this active portion introduces my interpretation of the arpeggios in the source using a famous synth (popularized by Glenn Morrison, Deadmau5 and Adam K & Soha).

-Next, this part stays pretty similar with the light piano arps, sidechained-ish strings, then a big synth solo with the Moog. A nice build up with the Deadmau5 synth (automation on cutoff filter) highlights the introduction of the (B) melody via piano, then pluck synth.

-A big build up with some kool gating fx leads to the homestretch. In this part, while the countermelody is playing, the lead synth goes off on a crazy solo after a repeat. Then, everything is thrown together again when the pluck synth plays the (B) melody and a third moog kinda sings over it.

-A final build up leads to a sin drop and the soundfield gradually dissipates as delay starts to wear off.

Thuh end. :D

Hollidayrain - Break0ut Pr0.mp3 - 4.94MB

So, basically, I would LOVE to hear what you all have to say before I submit to the judges. Criticism is absolutely welcome :).




3:26!! Where are the hard trance synths?

I love the intro and it's progressive trance style.

I love the rolling bass throughout.

One thing that sounded out of place was the marimba (or was it a short synth?) sample.

Maybe it's just the music I listen to, but I think the first 3 minutes of this would lead perfectly up to a hard saw synth.

I love KBB music, and this is awesome!


Thanks for the comments man!

Yeah, that sound you're referring to is a processed harp synth (made famous by Enya, lol). haha, I guess I can see why it would be outta place, but I use that one a heck of a lot. I like to think it's the 'Hollidayrain' sound! http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/125%20-%20Hollidayrain%20-%20Sulawesi.mp3

Ooo, hard trance synths? I never really thought of that, haha. I'll try it out and see how it sounds!

Thanks again!


I know you subbed it, I know, thought I'd drop a line anyway.

Lotta bass... well, I like it. :D Feels a little too heavy, dunno if it's my sound system, my personal preferences, or something about the mix. Could be overall compression levels, not sure.

Source is there. After hearing the first 30 seconds or so that was really my only concern. Sounds like RESUB, Y©, or Y stuff, I thought only source might be an issue, but it's undoubtedly here.

Great track, I wanna hear more stuff from you on ocr. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

First off, I love the arrangement. Props for that, it's really nice! I think the mix has a few issues, though. From where I'm sitting and the system I'm on--which, granted, isn't truly right for critical listening, though it's all I've got--I love the bass, although the song's a bit muddy. I think the mix in general is a little overcompressed, and some of the sounds could use a little re-leveling and re-EQing. To be specific:

- The porta lead that comes in at about :45 or so could use a little bit of midrange taken out of it, it's a tad harsh. Also, could use some low-mid reduction, too. Actually, that goes for most of the song, so maybe that's just a master EQ thing.

- That saw arp that starts to make itself known at 2:20 or so could use some toning down in the high-mids, too.

I think a lot of issues would be solved with some low-mid re-EQing. Also, maybe changing that master compressor, too. It's pumping and sucking just a bit much in the wrong frequencies. Gotta let that awesome kick drum stand out!

Like I said, though, I absolutely LOVE the arrangement! Would you be interested in collaborating in the future, by chance? Hit me up via PM if you are.



Good call on the criticism. I completely agree, in retrospect.

-I'm glad you noticed that because I actually brought up the mid-range, hahaha! Oops. I can hear the issues now, for sure.

-Ya, I got a little overzealous with my uplifting arps. That is actually the deadmau5 sound (hah!) but with some interesting effects and an epic filter cutoff opening. Just as with the last one you mentioned, I did indeed bring up the mid-range.

I was listening to it yesterday on one of my friends' professional monitors and it sounded pretty good, but I 100% agree with your comments. Glad you liked the arrangement; hopefully that'll get me a'YES' vote or two :D.

Collabo? I'm down! I'll send you a PM in a moment.

Thanks again man.

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