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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Being a long-time fan of the Amiga game and having read some stuff about this remix elsewhere, I thought that perhaps I should come by and give some thoughts on the remix now that it's been through the judge's panel. I don't know if this'll help, or if anyone will agree with me, but here goes. First, I have to bring up the concept of repetition. Repetition is a staple of music, of that there's no doubt. Melodies, harmonies, riffs, beats, lyrical structure... it all comes and goes usually at least twice in many songs. So the idea is fine. However, there's a difference between repeating something ala copy/paste, and repeating it with something new added to it; some level of growth over what was originally there. It could be more notes, more instruments working in tandem with what was already there, more or different backing harmonies, variations of the melodies that call back to the first version(s) of it without simply playing it again verbatim... a lot can be done. But this remix falls into the copy/paste realm to me, as its 0:37 – 1:37 section is repeated in virtually identical (if not flat out identical) fashion. It's a trap that I've fallen into many times as well, so brynoff11, you're not alone in stepping in it. As such, I feel the call by the judges there about this being too repetitive is a legitimate one to make with this remix. Second, the ending is... abrupt. Unnaturally abrupt, to be honest. It feels like you didn't know how to end it and so just stopped, brynoff11. The judges calling that out was warranted to me, as I too felt it doesn't work or fit with this remix. It feels like it's trying to build up to that familiar melody again during its last minute; to do something for its finale. But instead, we get nothing. It doesn't feel like an artistic choice to end it like that. It comes off as if the remix is unfinished to me. Lastly, the remix is questionable in growth/ebb and flow. I say this because once the song gets to about 1:37, it repeats itself. There's virtually no growth or expansion on the melodies, instrumentation, harmonies... anything. It's not until 2:54 that it gets some new work injected into it. But less than a minute later, the remix is suddenly done. There is so much that could have been done with that 1:37-2:54 section to really take those well known melodies, as well as the work done with them on the remix's first go around, and bring the song to a new place. To build and/or alter it more and make it continue to grow and take the listener on a ride (insert MvC2 joke here). Instead, it treads on old ground, looping around the proverbial parking lot twice before shutting off the engine right after it pointed something new out to the passenger. The end result makes this remix come off as lacking, despite how everything in it feels like it's almost reaching something wonderful. The rhythm is great, the synths are just fine, the mix is good, and the treatment of the melodies walks the line between arrangement and remix nicely. The original source is still very present and able to be recognized, yet it has a whole new vibe to it. But if I were a judge, and God help us all if someone ever offered me such a position, I would have NOed it as well. That said, all of the things holding the remix back are VERY fixable. So while I may not be familiar with where the OCR bar is anymore, I will say that if this remix was close to the bar when it was submitted, then I can see why it didn't get over it, as well as how it could get over it. There are my thoughts on this remix, brynoff11. Take them as you will
    1 point
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