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  1. I appreciate the offer and will keep that in mind for when the time comes. --- Thanks to @Jorito for pointing out a couple of bad links on the WIP Spreadsheet. I've fixed the links to Impending Abyss and Can't Let You Do That!
    1 point
  2. Hello, all! The post is a bit late, but I was watching all this weekend - everyone except @Katamari has now checked in with me. Thanks to everyone for doing this; I'm very happy for those of us still on board and once again, I think we are back on track! Now, a quick State Of The Project: 27 of 32 tracks claimed, 26 with WIPs of some sort. @XPRTNovice has had something come up, but he'll send me a WIP for his track soon. Lots of work still needed on these tracks - heads up for anyone offering to perform jazz instruments as @Thirdkoopa might be looking for folks for his remix, and a few folks will be looking for guitar and/or bass recordings soon too. Keep those strings tuned and practice your embouchure! 6 of 8 scripts finished and reviewed. My reviewer is away at the moment, but as soon as he checks in, I'll post them. Once scripts are posted, I'll be gathering up the narrative staff again so we can get some vocals recorded. Voice roles are still open to claim; put together a recording of what you think is the best voice for the role and PM me! I have an idea for the ambient soundtrack in these scenes, but I'll need someone to take on handling this aspect, as I now doubt I'll have time to do this myself. We won't be ready for this until we get some vocals recorded, but something for folks to keep in mind. I have the back covers for the album, as I said previously, but they aren't ready yet and my guy had a rush of work at the end of spring. I hope to have updates by the end of the month, but no guarantees. It sucks waiting for free stuff, doesn't it? Still looking for a co-director. Nothing to say on this; PM me or email lylat.system.clear@gmail.com if you're interested! The Audio Support panel is a little thin on responses lately. Anyone interested in reviewing tracks and helping out fellow remixers, please let me know! I've asked the QA panel to do a final, final review on our two 'finished' tracks, and then pending any last-minute revisions, I will submit them to the OCR panel for the second pass. I see several others getting closer and closer - keep up the great work everyone! SCRAMBLE is still coming. Might not have, er, taken the time offered this weekend, but it is coming. I have given a lot of thought as to how much time to give to finish, as this has not progressed in the way that I envisioned (no one's fault but mine). July 1st was the original final deadline I put in place, but I extended it based on where we were in the spring. However, given where we are now and the great response I have had on this deadline, I'm confident that we are going in the right direction, so the FINAL DEADLINE FOR ALL MUSIC will remain SEPTEMBER 30TH. I might give some leeway if discussed prior to deadline, as I don't expect the everything will be done on that day, but if we want to continue to target release this year, we can't put it off any later if we want to have a chance of doing so. So - get me your final final FINAL tracks ASAP so we can get them reviewed and submitted as we go. Any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. We're on the home stretch, everyone!
    1 point
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