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Everything posted by Aetherius

  1. ...pretty much the same as the last version, with a longer intro. It has some nice effects midway through. My brain is like screaming 'WHERE'S THE FUCKING BEAT?!' though. We'll see...
  2. First order of business...'Aetherius' Second order of business: I think most people didn't notice this link.
  3. new wip from the joker, who is apparently not dead. We'll see what it sounds like later tonight.
  4. has anyone else noticed that people take me WAY too seriously?
  5. zircon essentially refused to be on the project, both for reasons of time constraints, and he dislikes me. which is perfectly understandable. Edit: One of the main reasons we've been having trouble with this track is that I want to see it done differently than the others do it as well. I refuse to have another 'blah' electronica version. I'd like something experimental, non-genre-specific, and exciting. Something that appeals to a listener without being generic crud. Meanwhile, I don't particularly think that an old western style remix of Tal Tal heights would at all fit the theme of this project...Sounds like more of a novelty track than a serious endeavour.
  6. Still need people, kids. I wanna see some good stuff come out of this.
  7. As far as I can remember, Tal Tal Heights is still kinda open, though, I'll be extremely selective when it comes to auditioning for it, and at the moment, I'd say turtle Rock is open, since I probably don't have time to do it. Bottle Grotto* (21/96) The Hen House (87/96) Animal Village (11/96) Richard's Villa (64/96) The Trendy/Fishing Games (2/96)<53/96> Choose a Name (17/96)* As yet there are also these songs available. though, Prophet, I'd like you to help with the final collaborative piece.
  8. This is a mah-flippin' bump, yo. ...I'm so white. Anyway, folks, the first deadline fast approacheth. I need like 3 or 4 more mixers, or we're gonna have to double up. Either way, I wanna see some progress, friends. I'm like the king of unnecesary double-posts.
  9. What?! Aww shit. I'm not a red mage anymore.
  10. On second thought: Assfuckshittercuntbananasandwichdogshittacohateballoonundergarmentsfuckassbitchfuckercockmongeringanuslickscandinavian asspiratingfuckpants.
  11. I'm going away this weekend, so 'til sunday night, don't go quitting the project and giving other people your songs, so that we can live another week without dumbass posts.
  12. Or maybe you could name it after that Extra key in that level that you get, and you're all 'GODDAMNIT! WHAT IS THIS KEY FOR?! And there's really no answer....
  13. aww, you noticed. How thoughtful. I wanted çookies, too Speaking of which a ç is called a çedilla, I believe
  14. ...it's also not a very serious title.
  15. Since we've come up with a not-so-clever name for the project, I want everyone to be coming up with Oh-so-clever names for their songs. Good ones. No lame joke ones.
  16. I still like mine better...but then I made it. I like your singing a lot better in this version, and that choir in the second verse is sexy.
  17. Works for me. Threshold of a Dream it is!
  18. Well, Slothboy, I've just asked Epo to see if he can host it. We'll see. Meanwhile, I've come to two possible choices for names of this project, both with obvious pros and cons. Name #1: Threshold of a Dream Name #2: Lid of the Sleeper's Eye Now, an obvious con for 'Threshold of a dream' is: -it's the name of a moody blues album, which is probably why it was the first thing that came to mind. Obvious pro: -It doesn't abbreviate into a "blank-ot-blank" name like most other projects do. Obvious cons for 'Lid of The Sleeper's Eye': -It DOES abbreviate into a "blank-ot-blank" name. -It's kinda long. Obvious pro: -It's a quote from the game, and not the name of a moody blues album. So...I don't know which to choose. I will not take suggestions for new names, but if you like one or the other, let me know, and explain why, and eventually I'll choose one.
  19. I already told Joker via PM the specifics about his wip, but suffice it to say that it's quite good. I hope everyone else's wips are going well.
  20. there it is! :/ I still don't like that warbly/LFO encrusted pad thing you've got going in the background, though. I really like where this is going.
  21. HORY CLAP YOU'RE RIGHT! I SOOOO DID! ...I was kinda expecting you to stop checking this project's thread if you're not interested in its development. It's the logical thing to do. Secondarily, if you'd been paying attention, you'd know that there are indeed others who feel the same way as you do, but for different reasons, and under different circumstances. The prophet's statements apply to the other people, not you. however, I will agree with his view in saying, 'quit your bitching' we were done with you pages ago. You just keep coming back. Posts like these are disruptive to the flow of the project. I hereby declare (with the authourity that I have, to silence your freedom of speach *shifts eyes*) that Should anymore posts arise, like Usa's or Hemophiliac's, or Unknown's, or even some of my own, everybody simply ignore them. Do not post any responses to them. If you have something important to say in the defense of me, or in defense of the project, send it via PM. I will not stand for any more disruptive posts. If necessary, I will attempt to contact a moderator and have them delete the offending posts from this thread, for posterity's sake. I would really like to get this crap over with, so that we can all just make good music, and give it to people who want to listen to good music. Now, I'd like to direct anyone who reads this thread to the first post, which holds all of the important updates. Unfortunately, due to these disruptive posts, the important things I have to say regarding the status and future of the project are being buried, and no doubt new posters are getting frightened away by the current hostility, which has unfortunately infected our project. So, this is my quarantine. My hope is that we will find a cure, before the project dies. That said, DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST. I'd much prefer that people respond to my previous post, which is actually important.
  22. Well, I like this wip, Ichitootah. I liked your prior submission too. Pretty kickin. the only thing that's getting to me is that low warbly voice...thing. I can hear the warbling too well for it to fade into the background, and make the other elements come out. Meanwhile...wow, where'd the melody go? Heh, I can hear it somewhat in that guitar solo...thingy. I look forward to seeing what this'll turn into. Back onto the list you go. Also, just for informational purposes, the rule about the selection of unused gbs tracks applies only to songs that are not easily recognizeable as a different version of one of the tracks I've already selected. Some of these tracks which could be done are: Bottle Grotto (21/96) <I don't recommend this one> The Hen House (87/96) Animal Village (if you can come up with something good...) (11/96) Richard's Villa (64/96) The Trendy/Fishing Games (2/96) <also 53/96, which is a bit funkier> Choose a Name (17/96) Mr. Write's (55/96) <also 50/96. One of the two is Mr. Write's Girlfriend.> In the event that any or all of these songs can get remixed, I will re-arrange the track order (chronologically. in-game) and split the album into two discs, ending somewhere in the middle, with an average, of possibly 12 tracks on each album. I don't think any of the other tracks are possibilities, really. I hadn't intended to make this a double album. Remixers are still needed. Again with the Auditions.
  23. let's just pretend that I don't hate starblast for a moment, and agree with Mr. Mephisto. He's right.
  24. *sigh* Why do I have to put all the things right that people put wrong here? First of all, Aetherius didn't ask me to change anything, he just said how the sounds made him vomit or made his ears bleed. There was not a single positive comment in there, so how in the world should I figure out that he actually liked the mix? There were other people in the channel at that time that can prove me right. This is starting to get ridiculous now... So.. no drama involved, never intended to create any, sorry to have bothered you with my mix which led to this lengthy discussion...now...will this ever end? The argument that involved you fell by the wayside a few days ago. we're on a new one now. You don't have to set anything right. in fact, the only thing I would suggest that you DO have to do is stop posting here. Do not reply to this post,do not pass go, do not collect self-satisfaction. I told you at least three times that I liked the mix, but not the sounds. go away already.
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