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Everything posted by Aetherius

  1. Sixto's mix is looking good. Keep working at it, folks.
  2. ...am I correct in thinking that the movie is going to be in theatres on friday?
  3. If I recall correctly, there are almost NO locked doors in SH4 that don't have a key.
  4. well, in keeping with realism, it's unrealistic that all the doors would be locked. There needs to be a happy medium. It's also unrealistic that every open door should hold a clue. However, one should note that the Silent Hill World is not a realistic one...so...what I just said doesn't matter. It's of a little importance to note that in some cases, doors are locked in the normal world, and open in the dark world, and vice versa.
  5. I'm sorry, I couldn't follow this post at all.
  6. Let's hope the money the creators make from that game as a result of the movie's hype will allow them to make Silent Hill 5 Flippin' amazing.
  7. Clearly, this person was looking for a game which had a much simpler story, and much simpler scares. "OMG BOO!" scares are worthless. edit: It's not supposed to be scary. It's supposed to be creepy. If you were tuned into the atmosphere the game creates, you'd be scared that after you turned the game off, one of those closers would eat your face.
  8. Just to throw a bit of theory out there: Horror: The physical/visual manifestation of a threatening or disgusting thing. Terror: the knowledge of a threatening or disgusting thing (A horrifying thing, even), but the fear is based on what one doesn't see rather than what one does see. Silent Hill is primarily terror-based. The 'bosses' tend to be horrifying, while the gameplay is moreso a mystery/terror game. There is less suspsense than a desire to know 'what the hell happened here?' and when there are enemies involved, it tends to be the fear that there will be enemies, rather than the enemies themselves which are frightening. While there are plenty of disturbing creatures and images in Silent Hill, it's the atmosphere and buildup which puts so much weight on them. Rather than being mindless zombies, the enemies are representative of something. It's not a gore-fest/blast-your-way-out kind of game. It's a 'solve the mystery, and hope you won't have to use that steel pipe' game. Heck, it's not even a game. It's an experience. Resident Evil compared to Silent Hill is like comparing Dawn of the Dead with David Lynch's Lost Highway. They're completely different.
  9. WHAT? I could swear you said April 23rd or something.
  10. just so anybody knows, That Starz thing doesn't reveal much in terms of plot, but it shows a lot of visuals and things that you might not want to see if you'd rather be awed by the movie in its entirety.
  11. I didn't mean to imply that he isn't, but simply that the creatures and plot in the game were probably created by the others.
  12. I got the impression that the book of lost memories was written by a third party, since it has little quotes from the creators as though they'd been interviewed, but not entirely integrated in its creation. Also, Akira Yamaoka may be the official word on this movie, but he's really only the sound and musical guy. He probably has some say in the creative process, but I'm pretty sure that the characters and meanings behind them belong more to the other creators.
  13. well, One: raise your bassline by an octave, and see how that sounds. Two: if you have reverb on it, make the 'room' smaller, or dump it all together. Three: try to get a 30 band EQ on it, and lower the four or five bars on far left to about half, and you might lose a lot of that rumbly crap without losing too much of the sound (most of the bass sound comes from the mid-lows as opposed to the really low-lows. Not to be mistaken with the low-mids...) Something else you might try, Make a wav of ONLY the bassline, and then send it to me, and I'll try to make it less icky. The only trouble there is that I wouldn't have the full song to judge how it compares. Try to give those three a shot.
  14. I'm pretty sure he DID want to make a movie full of women, but Tristar was all "what? no."
  15. If you're on the right track, we can all help you workshop your mix, but there's only so much we can do. I trust The Prophet's judgement, and you seem to get lots of practice, so just try to follow the rules and make something sweetacular.
  16. Hey, don't pick favourites. Dafydd's wip: mmkay, I'm not liking that pizz string thing you've got going for the bass in the first section. For one, its attack is too slow, which offsets it with the music. For two, it just doesn't quite sound right. If maybe you had an acoustic bass or a fingered bass that was a little quieter instead. something a little more percussive. The bass in the second section I'm not so sure of either. It sounds alright, but either it's so low that it makes some of the notes unable to be discerned, or it's too muddy. The new piano section is alright, but there's nothing that really ties it to the turtle rock theme. The mixing in that section is also not that great. The piano is barely audible over the bass and drums. I suggest that you PM a copy to the Prophet as well, to see what he thinks. I think that having a piano bit at the end would be fine, but I still think that you should come up with a enw one that actually fits the theme of the original song.
  17. now that I'm essentially done my classes, I have much more time on my hands, so, I encourage anyone reading this who has me on aim to send me a message every day to tell me to record my vocals.
  18. Has anyone seen or heard from the people I have marked as AWOL? they all had good wips, and just kinda disappeared. I sent a PM to Cerrax
  19. Aww, no special doohickeys for me. Hmm, These new trailers have caused me some distress. "I am the reaper" huh? What does this portend?! Edit: Just in case anyone hasn't realized this yet, reading the plot outline given on iMDB shows that this movie has very little, if anything to do with the original Silent Hill Game, so far as plot is concerned. I don't consider this to be a bad thing.
  20. PM me a link to your mix, dafydd. I'm not going to go running around this thread to look for it. For the record: Aetherius --->Busy with school/other music Iggy Koopa ---> computer's borked for the moment The Prophet of Mephisto ---> done/waiting on prizm Sixto ----> broken hand Rexy ---> can only make music at school, or something Fusion2004 ---> Lazy ass Hadyn ---> Nobody knows! Spc1st ---> Waiting on Prizm PriZm ---> Being waited on Dafydd ---> Apparently working on his remix Shinny Metal ---> Wants to remix all of the songs. I say no. chthonic ---> claims to be working Monobrow ---> Just moved in. The Joker ---> done, I think Chris McGee ---> AWOL Ichitootah ---> AWOL KungFuChicken ---> 'busy' Slothboy -> Might as well not be on this list Rev. Bryant -> Same as above Graylightning -> Probably forgot about this project MagiNinja -> AWOL
  21. If you expect the filmmakers to find a way to explain some of the most obscure details in the series' to appease hardcore fans (which are fewer in comparison to the "general public") and to somehow make the movie fit in line with the game storyline, then I'm willing to bet you're going to be sorely disappointed.
  22. Well, first off, you've got the plot of silent Hill 2 confused with the plot of the first game. Harry's wife sends him no letters. Also, according to Chris Gans: "I think when Roger Avary and Nickolas Boukhrief and I started to work on the project we assumed, because we are all fans of the game, that we would start writing with Harry Mason as our lead. It quickly became clear however Harry never acted like a masculine character. He was constantly dizzy, fainting, talking to himself, screaming and in fact was very vulnerable. We didn't want to betray the nature of the game by changing the character's feelings and motivations, so we felt it was better to change to a female protagonist and retain all those important qualities. I don't want people to think that I have been "politically correct" because we changed Harry into Rose. There is no political correctness in Silent Hill. It's important to mention that we were conscious that allowing the Gamers to have to face a new character would help in the transition from Silent Hill the Game to Silent Hill the Movie." You can read info like this on Gans' Blog. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/silenthill/productiondiary/index.php
  23. Your first paragraph doesn't actually provide any argument against mine. What he does with walter, I would say is indicative of his role. But like I said, no one IS the PH that James sees. That's not real.
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